Episode 288: Larry’s Road Trip Redux, Pt. 2 – Fear Freaks & Costume Kooks


What is the FEAR INDEX? Discover the Sheriff’s Rules that Larry mocked ♠ What are Costume Kooks? ♠ How did they bring Larry to an epiphany? ♠ What the words quaint, charming, rustic and sun-drenched really mean and why you’re in for a lousy hotel or motel stay when you see them ♠ Meet the Fear Freak hotelier that Larry pissed off ♠ If you’re saying F.U. to lockdowns, you need to hear this episode!

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Episode 287: The Star of Bethlehem Returns — Sinners’ Sunday #75


Will “The Great Reset” be led by the Anti-Christ?Which US State Governor is today’s King Herod? (Hint: he’s butt ugly) When will the Star of Bethlehem re-appear? What will it mean? What happened when the star appeared, 800 years ago? How is today’s world the same as it was 2,000 years ago? What were JC’s two favorite words?

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Episode 286: Larry’s Road Trip Redux, Part 1 – GHOST NATION


From ghost towns to ghost nation – what Larry learned about America over 7,000 miles Explore Uranus – not the planet, the roadside attraction in the Ozarks (yes, It’s a fudge factory!) Discover the two Americas, why one hates the other, and which one Larry prefers Which sleaze-BAG career politician screwed YOU out of near 2 TRILLION dollars that might have saved your business? Hit the road with Larry – and get ready to rage!

**********************************************************Is America fucked? It sure looks that way.They’re replacing Orange Man with Dementia Man. He’s already had two brain surgeries for aneurysms, and once he strokes out, it’s President Round-Heeled DA who jailed thousands on pot charges while she is an admitted grass smoker. And laughs about it. She who couldn’t even place top five in the primaries.

What a system.

But that’s down the road a few weeks. As Charles Manson was fond of saying… Come into the now! And the now is, that regardless who’s ass is blowing farts through sheets in the White House master bedroom, America is on course for… calamity.

In LA, where I’ve lived but plan to flee asap, one of the major arteries of commerce – perhaps THE major artery of commerce – is Ventura boulevard. I’ve always LOVED that name. So cool. So adventurous. Rockers and movie makers love it, too. After the famed Sunset Strip, Ventura is probably the most famous drag in L.A.

Now, it looks like Depression City

Maybe a third of all store fronts are for lease. Hundred of restaurants, hair salons and boutiques sport window signs saying CLOSED or FOR LEASE.

CLOSED or FOR LEASE does NOT mean we’ll return after the lockdown.

CLOSED or FOR LEASE means we’re dead.


That’s not a tragedy, that’s an atrocity.

Tragedies are accidents – hurricane and earthquake deaths, etc.

Atrocities are deliberate. The death of Ventura boulevard and small businesses throughout the United States was – an atrocity. Murder by politicians.

Let’s name those murderers. California Governor Gavin Newsom. New York Governor Andrew “Fredo Sr.” Cuomo. And many others. That Whitmer grimbo in Michigan. Etcetera.

Instead of protecting the vulnerable – geriatrics, and those with “co-morbidities” – obesity, respiratory issues, etc., they shut down everything. Which destroyed everything. They don’t give a fuck. Because government paychecks and Cadillac benefits never stop.


Politician/parasites don’t give a fuck about anyone’s health. Only keeping their own cash-flow going and their power uninterrupted. That’s it. Assistants, limos, bodyguards, and thick firewalls between themselves and their constituents. That’s what they like.

Last summer, I drove across the country and back. I just did it again. 7,221 miles. Sadly, it looks a LOT worse than it did in July and August.

Here’s what I mean. In mid-summer – before endless lockdowns, this mom and pop tourist shop was doing okay. People – Navajo people – were making a living from it.

It’s on the Arizona / California border. These Indian Trading posts have been there, thriving for decades. There were 8 or ten of them, and they all made money. Look at it now.


Was this store a vector of China Virus germs? Super spreader locations?

No. Just people trying to make a living. 

Here’s another. Welcome to bankruptcy. Welcome to desolation. Courtesy of government intervention.

Now, they’re broke. Where do they go to make a living?

If you don’t despise career politicians – people utterly devoid of talent, or skill, who got where they are by kissing ass and sucking dick (literally) — then


But that’s enough of that. Here are some images from URANUS. What is it? It’s a roadside attraction in Missouri. It’s a monument to kitsch and camp and Americana. It’s one childish pun re-hashed to the power of 10.

But it’s still fun.

As November 2020, it was still open. Kinda / sorta. (But the parking lot was awful empty.)

Welcome to Uranus. It’s a fudge factory. It’s a sideshow museum. It’s an outdoor survival store. It’s a dinosaur eating a UFO.

What is it about roadside attractions and dinosaurs? It’s like there’s some federal building code that mandates dinosaurs at all tourist locations. They always have them. Actually, it’s no mystery. All schools have taught for decades are the 3 D’s. Diversity, dolphins and dinosaurs. So the kids – even the ones in their 30’s, must have dinosaurs.

Uranus has its own cop car. With an APB out on a pair of missing balls that may be up somebody’s ass.

As John Mellancamp said (I liked him better when his name was Johnny Cougar. Now, he kinda resembles a  cougar – the kind that wear industrial -strength panty hose and drink Mai Tais at 1 pm at Fuddruckers),

Ain’t that America.”

Somebody said it before him, but he got famous for it, so…

Part 2 of Road Trip Redux this Wednesday.

Until then, pray for America, and curse politicians.

Fuck them to hell.

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Episode 285: Larry Reveals The Next Global Crisis


Meet DETRITUS-27 – the Cosmic Doom Germ!Nuke-haters will LOVE nukes, when they promise SAFETY!What is OSFAP, and how will the sheeple FAP for Safety?▲The monolith that will re-set the planet▲How Insta-Martyrs become famous▲Learn how GUBMNT says to SAVE people, we must KILL people.

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Episode 284: Larry’s Thanksgiving Survival Guide


Lonely Thanksgiving? Blues-beating fixes that work ■ Thanksgiving with obnoxious family? Larry has answers ■ Larry abuses tyrannical punk governors LIVE RECORDING of family Thanksgiving as it DESCENDS into VIOLENCE! ■ Holiday advice from Charles Manson ■ How renaming Thanksgiving Flag Day and dressing like a 4-star general can make you an Instagram star.

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 283: WTF Happened To Men?


How The Godfather would be re-made today The difference between males and men Why Communism is a matriarchal construct Were Hippies the original snowflakes? Why Karl Marx was NOT a man, but a leech and a punk Why the EU and North America are doomed Why Commies hate manly men The business / app that can save manhood and America! If you are a man or just wish you were, this is your episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 282: Escape Your Self-Made Hell


Thrust into hell? Learn how to turn it into a fun zone How do we create our own hells? How do we escape them? Hell is real, but it’s not a place – discover what hell really is and you can tame it Meet the old cowboy who helped Larry turn a hellish experience into a fun memory Why Will Rogers was full of sh*t This episode is your get out of hell free card. Listen!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 281: Recipe for Doom


Why Commies need morons to survive Wall St. billionaires predict civil war The moronic catch phrase “journos” will be parroting ▲ Stupid people and their “magical thinking” ▲ How Larry almost killed himself with Nestle’s Quik Why Imbeciles think they can tame wild animals Feeling uncertain about your future? This is YOUR episode!

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Bonus Episode 36: THE interview – Karl – host of Who Are These Podcasts?


What is the WORLD’S WORST podcast? ■ WHO is Karl’s dream host? ■ Who was his co-host from hell? ■ Will Spotify destroy podcasting? ■ Should podcasters be licensed? ■ What’s new and wort hearing in podcasting? ■ Death threats and doxxing – Karl tells all in this exclusive interview!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 280: Busting The Big Lie


The 4-word weight-loss program that ALWAYS works Secrets to sticking with a diet Is obesity a disease? Two words that help you meet any challenge What the world says when you tell it F.U. How Larry’s 5th grade teacher got to be a 1/4 ton man The TRUE cause of obesity nobody mentions If you want to lose weight – or muscle up – this is your episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry