Episode 269: Larry’s Summer Escape


Larry (in a Pontiac) battles Psycho Steroid Hercules • Where are the pointiest chix in North America? • Larry almost becomes a victim • The ultimate pointy chick arcade game • Secrets to your best summer ever • How to teach a four-year-old to body surf • Meet Larry’s T.N.S Dad • . • And more, more, more!

Just because it’s the most fucked up summer in history doesn’t mean it has to be fucked up for you. YOU don’t sit around with your thumb up your ass waiting for some authority figure i.e., douche-bag politician, to give you permission to have fun. Bet your life those hypocritical turds are having the best summer ever – and we’re paying for it!

So it’s time to get creative. Beached closed? Go in the evening. Or find some unoccupied mansion on a beach and park your blanket right in front of it. Just take a copy of the Wall St. Journal and paste a pukey expression of ennui on your mug. They’ll figure you just bought the damn mansion.

Life is what you make it, and I’ve collected my deepest belly laughs by triggering idiots. Best way is to throw a compliment their way – maybe two or three – and then deliver a verbal uppercut. That steams them up right quick.

Just make sure you can take them or out-run them.

This episode gives full instructions on how to salvage your summer. And wreck some else’s.

Laugh it up.

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Episode 268: The Sensitives


What’s a fecal transplant, and how is it done? (It’s revolting!) What’s a sensitive? What have they in common? What current social malaise did a famous comedian predict in 2008? ■ Where is the town of Snowflake, USA and why do snowflakes live there? ■ What famed stage psychic read Larry’s mind (and what did he see?) ■ Whether you’re a canary in the coal mine or block of emotionless granite, you need this episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 267: Making it Through the Minefield of Love


What’s on her secret first-date check list? ♥ No eligible women in your vicinity? Larry has the answer ♥ The pitfalls/benefits of dating an ex-addict (yes, there can be benefits!) ♥ Why females hold 90% of the cards on dates ♥ Why dating is insane ♥ Key elements of long-term compatibilityWhether incel or man-whore, you NEED this episode!

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Episode 266: Meet The Fisters


The 7-foot, 400 lb., GIANT that lived in Larry’s Maytag Larry tops GOD with his end-of-the-world scenario ■ Larry proves the Bible, the Torah and the Vedas WRONG! ■ Were Do Applewhite and the Hale-Bopp idiots right? ■ What the comet NEOWISE is telling mankind ■ Why The Day The Earth Stood Still was Commie propaganda If you think the world is spinning off its axis, this is your episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 265: Larry Interviews Dr. Fauci


DISCOVER: Dr. Fauci’s prediction for GLOBAL MORALITIES due to Covid-19 The 2-part prophylactic regimen that renders him IMMUNE! How effective will the vaccine be? He confirms Covid-19 was created in a CHI-COM lab Which type of MASK is SAFEST? This episode can SAVE YOUR LIFE!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 264 – Distant Early Warning – Your Key To Getting What YOU Want


POINTY CHICK PATROL, LIVE!▲The Distant Early Warning system chicks use to evaluate you▲Winning in business & romance ▲ Are you in a “Square Peg” relationship? They’re poison! ▲ The night all of Los Angeles stood up to PC pressure groups How an insurance company and a contractor tried to screw Larry All this and more in this heads up episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 263: DO NOT HOLD IN HAND


How Commies are using Karens, Kids and K-9s to cancel 4th of July July 4 – THE holiday for MEN The true meaning of Independence Day ▲ Explosives you should love (and use!) What YOU need to do to FIGHT BACK! Why Larry LOVES the 4th of July, and you should too.


Ahh, those Debbie Downers – they’re everywhere, aren’t they? As the old adage goes, they could fuck up a wet dream. All over Twitter and Facebook are NGOs and individual cretins preaching their wet-blanket gospel of… lowered expectations.

This Fourth of July will be a little bit different they say. And the follow up is the WUHAN FLU (Covid-19 in their PC parlance) caveats.

Wanna hang with family and friends and BBQ? MASK ON!

Wanna protest/loot/burn and destroy shit? No worries! NO MASK NEEDED! You’re Covid protected! It’s a very smart virus! It only attacks who we permit it to attack!

The ancient Chinese curse says “may you live in interesting times.” Interesting times were the frontier days. Or the Roaring 20s. Or watching men land on the moon.

These times are no more interesting than an oozing carbuncle the size of a ping-pong ball. These times are shit. These times are fucked up. Maybe these times are finally the end times. If so, maybe the grand finale will be this 4th of July. Wouldn’t that be special? What if some fist the size of the moon just came out of the clouds and punched the blue planet into cosmic dust? Would the other 8 care if there was one less sphere in the solar system?


Maybe part of the earth’s remains would somehow survive the vacuum and cold of space and land on another sphere in a galaxy far-far away and re-seed it. If it did, that planet would also, at some point, be deserving of the mighty cosmic punch. That’s just how things work.

I’ve never been to China. And I never will. The list of places I want to see that are ahead of China preclude any possibility.

But I do like the food. And I like the fireworks. Been a fan of their pyrotechnics since I was knee high to a Ming vase.

Which is what this episode is mostly about.

There are shit-bags in this nation who want to outlaw the 4th of July. Who are they? They’re the same shit-bags who want to delete the 2nd amendment.

I guess they’re just afraid of things that go BANG!

Fuck ’em.

Here are images of things that went bang in my youth. Chinese firecrackers.

The Black Cat was most common. What does a cat have to do with fireworks? Damned if I know. But the packaging is great.

Below is da BOMB. What does a radio tower have to do with fireworks? Ya got me. But something about this image hints that Godzilla is just over the hill, coming for a gazillion ampere snack.

Lastly, the Black Jack pirate. Which does have something to do with fireworks, because Pirates did have cannons and flintlock pistols and did blow shit up.

Back to the Karens and cretins. If they’re not trying to fuck up our fun, they’re insulting us with their tweets. Like this one.

Are Americans really this stupid? Does someone who can pay rent on or purchase a home need to be told not to BBQ inside that home? Ditto for camping/pitching a tent and buying / leasing an RV?

This 4th of July, blow something up.

For you.

For me.

For America.

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 262: How They’re Cancelling Car Culture


The secret location where the last sexy Pirelli calendar is still on display ▲ Why Larry went ballistic in a corporate tire store ▲ How car repair outfits rip you off ▲ The can’t-miss marketing platform that guarantees business success ▲ How a merchant made Larry a customer for life ▲ The two “P” words that mean you’re gonna get screwed ▲ What Keurig coffee, Ellen DeGeneres, WiFi and the new Pirelli calendars have in common


Never mind all the NASCAR flap about Bubba Wallace and the noose that turned out to be a garage-door pull-rope. Cancel Culture has had Car Culture in the cross-hairs for decades. When did it begin? That’s hard to say.

As a kid, I used to slide into car dealerships and glom brochures. They rarely cared and if they did, I told the sales guy my old man asked me to get them for him. Car brochures were sort of my pre-puberty porn – post-puberty, too. The photography and art direction that went into brochures for GM’s better lines – namely, Cadillac, Oldsmobile and Buick, were eye-popping and heart-stopping.

And if sensual expanses of sheet metal and curvy chrome weren’t enough, they’d pair the car with some impossibly elegant and sexy woman – usually on the arm of a dude who looked much older than she was. She’d be mid-twenties, fully ripe and juicy. He’s be silver at the temples; vintage, but past his prime. She never seemed to mind.

When I wasn’t looking, all that went away. Now car ads are a fucking snore. Either features and benefits lists or virtue-signaling piles of bullshit. “Subaru cares about you, and the planet, and Covid-19, and social justice and just plug in whatever the next hot cause du jour is and we’ll tell you we care about that, too, because we think you’re stupid and our market research and sales figures are proving you are.”

First, they went after the manufacturers and removed the sex and fun. Seems market research indicates female buyers don’t like sex and fun, and least not in an automotive setting. Which I don’t understand at all. The sex I’ve had in cars was some of the best of my life.

But face it, few women give a size-small damn about the workings of a car. But guys do. Which is why overwhelmingly, DIY car maintenance and customization is still a man’s world. BUT, they (and you can figure out for yourself who they are) demand total hegemony and have come after the automotive aftermarket as well. They want it neutered. It began with the famed (a hack writer would use the word iconic) Pirelli calendar – for decades the zenith of sexy automotive marketing. They spent a couple of million producing each one. They never sold any. It was a promotional giveaway to distributors.

They were magnificent. Look at these images from the 1984 edition.

Sexy as hell. Without a hint of sleaze. That’s a narrow line to toe. But Pirelli did it, year – after year. Until about 2010. Then Pirelli caved to the screaming mob of cretins who find images of beautiful women in beautiful places…offensive.

This is now the caliber of Pirelli calendars.


Vacuous, overdone, pointless crap, that has exactly what to do with tires or cars? Please explain, I’ll wait. 

In a secret location in the sprawling San Fernando Valley is a decrepit tire store that still displays the 1984 Pirelli calendar, where those riveting images of female perfection first appeared. I will not name the place or the location. Some day, some angry harridan will roll a buggy, rheumy orb over that calendar, snap a picture on her i-Phone (they never use Androids – it’s almost like a law). She will then scream and point and reeeeeeeeee! Until that offensive calendar is removed and burned. Because in this ass-clown PC world, angry, buggy-rheumy-eyed harridans are in control.

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 261: Dad.


Life lessons from Larry’s Dad Henry the Rooster – a house pet for a month ■ How helicopter parents steal from their kids ■ Larry reels in a sea-monster ■ Why are dads bashed by the media? ■ If you have a father, are a father or plan on being a father – this is your episode!

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Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-larry

Episode 260: How to Make Enemies and Irritate People


WTF is the “O-SQUAD?” When and how to deploy it for maximum laughs Questions that invite violence The creepy co-worker who demanded Larry’s friendship How to light anyone’s fuse Dealing with a problem mother-in-law How a cop and a purse snatcher fueled laughs for days and nicknames forever Nice may be smart, but nasty is a lot more fun, proven here, in this ultra-snarky episode!

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