Episode 136: David & Bathsheba (Sinners’ Sunday #36)


Why are so many heroes also pricks? How pointy was Bathsheba? How did David have Bathsheba’s husband offed? Did David play Guns ‘n’ Roses on his harp as he seduced Bathsheba? ● How did David spot Bathsheba when she was bathing? ● What Karmic brick did God bounce off King David’s skull? ● What were the options on Absalom’s custom chariot? ● What does forgiveness really mean and how can it help you?

There are a lot of pointy women in the Bible and Bathsheba is one of the sharpest. King David spotted her one night as he stood on the roof of the palace. Somewhere below she was taking a bath and the rest is history. Sordid history – a tale of how David had Bathsheba’s husband knocked off so he could have her as his 7th – yes, that’s s-e-v-e-n-t-h wife.

Besides being King and a giant – killer, David was also a poet and played a mean harp – he used these talents to seduce Bathsheba. No doubt he could shred – but was he as good as these two – Camille and Kennerly? When’s the last time you saw matching blondes playing strap-on harps on a desert road?

Have a look – and a listen.

Pointy, harp-playing Blond twins








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