Episode 142: L.A.POCALYPSE (Sinners’ Sunday #39)


Is God pissed at L.A.? ● Why is hell raining down on Southern California? ● 83,000 acres burned – what’s left? ● Why Hawkings and de Grasse Tyson were/are nose-picking nitwits ● How to make sense out of senseless devastation ● Does “the universe” have the answers? ● Will Brother Larry return for Tuesday’s show or have to flee the fires? FIND OUT in this burning episode of Sinners’ Sunday.

Why does anybody live in Los Angeles? We’re all like battered spouses. In the fall we get burned. In the spring we get flooded or buried in mudslides. In between we get shaken by earthquakes. Once our wounds are triaged, we forgive the damned place and say how when it’s good, it’s GREAT – and it is. The best climate on earth. Picturesque as hell. One of the few places where you can ski in the morning and swim in the ocean the same afternoon.

But when it’s bad, it’s hideous. Here’s a shot I took near my home a couple of nights ago. It needs no explanation.





Here’s a video someone shot (not I) inside a firestorm. Looks like waves on the ground but that’s flame and debris and a fire so hot, it’s creating it’s own weather.

If the winds don’t change, I’ll see you Tuesday for the regular show, with an update on everything and a deeper look into disasters and how we deal with them. If the winds do change, it may be a bit longer.

Support Sinners’ Sunday (If you haven’t, why haven’t you?)

Write to Brother Larry” thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel: 302-71-larry

Pray for Los Angeles. We need it!