Episode 240: Viva Corona Virus!


Is this the end, and if so, how you can enjoy it! Why Indonesia is smarter than USA How Corona virus will redefine heroes and crises ▲ How Corona virus and Google have revealed where the dumbest Americans live ▲ Larry’s jungle encounter with the world’s biggest rat ▲ The sailors who should not sail ▲ How the “honor system” may destroy us all ▲ How Larry’s fishing skills fed an entire cruise ship ▲ All this and more in this infectious episode!


The last words in the movie Gone With The Wind were “tomorrow is another day.” In 2020, tomorrow is another doomsday.

I’m okay with that.

I’ve done a lot of shows about doomsday. I have, what I call my doomsday suite. Here’s a partial gallery


There’s lots more where that came from. Why is doomsday so popular?

I think you’re looking at the reason right now. IRL as they say, real shit happens and nothing is more real than the end of the world. Our lives have become so fucking artificial, so digitized, that every corpuscle is screaming for authenticity.

Corona virus is the doom du jour. There are and have been others – lot’s of ‘em. Y2k, Ebola, depleted ozone layer, climate change (or climate catastrophe as they now call it). Why, just a few weeks ago when a drone vaporized that terrorist “general,” many fucktards cried, it’s the start of World War III!” Do they realize they are fucktards? No. fucktards never do.

While you’re here, let me say that I’m glad they obliterated him. His face pisses me off. Look at the perfectly coiffed hair. The “I’m so rugged” beard trimmed to the millimeter. The arrogant expression. He’s dead now. So far, no WW3. Gee whiz.

Look below – passengers de-planing in Indonesia after traveling from the Wuhan Corona hot zone. Those guys dressed like Minions are spraying them with disinfectant. Next, they put them in isolation for a fortnight. (That may be the first time I’ve ever actually used the word fortnight. May be the last.)

Welcome to Indonesia. Now get the fuck in quarantine, you existential threats!

Good idea. Indonesia isn’t taking any chances with contagion. But here in namby-pamby USA, we ask people from the hot zone if they feel ok. If they say yes, we send them on their way with “have a nice day.” No one would lie, would they?

The honor system. It’s the fucktard system. It’s the system that might really thin out our growing population.

They’re not taking any Corona virus shit in Italy either.

Look at this stupid fucking “ship.”

Soviet housing project strapped to a barge.

Italy quarantined the whole damn thing – over 6,000 passengers and crew – until they were certain nobody was bringing Corona virus into the land of popes and pointy chicks. Saluda L’italia!

Is Corona virus the agent of doom we’ve been hoping for?

I doubt it.

But we can dream, can’t we?

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