Episode 305 – LIBERTY BLEEDS: The 2021 Battle of Tinhorn Flats


How vindictive, petty Burbank California bureaucrats are destroying a small business – and YOUR freedom The Burbank cop who makes $344,000 per year The Burbank fireman who makes $419,000 per year Why the BEST jobs are gubmnt jobs The art of political warfare Sick of Big Gubmnt’s abuse? This is your episode!


The City of Burbank‘s bureaucrats are a bunch of wildly over-paid bullies flexing the muscle private citizens bought/gave them. They’re are trying to destroy a guy for operating an outdoor patio at his restaurant, Tinhorn Flats.

The City has surrounded the restaurant in permanent, heavy-grade chain link fencing.

Cops arrested and jailed the owner 3 times – on bullshit charges.

Keeping Burbank SAFE… from a restaurant. (While racking up some EZ overtime.)

The City fined him over $50,000. They’ve cut his power, padlocked his doors, boarded up his windows, piled tons of sandbags against the entrance.When the fencing was embedded in concrete, squads of Burbank cops were present to make sure the caging went smoothly.

Is this America?

In 2021 it is.

This is Burbank City Hall. Fancy digs for a town of a mere 100,000.

Check the logo at the top of the Halls of Power.

Here’s one of Adolph’s favorite flags.


If the Burbank Big Government Bullies succeed in destroying Tinhorn Flats, America is over.

If you’d like to help them fight, click here:

Tinhorn Flats Defense Fund

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