Episode 70: Larry Goes Ballistic


How to destroy the internet • The cop who wants Larry dead • How to kick ass on web tyrants • “Actorvists,” and why they suck • L.A. Predators – they’re not a team and they must be stopped • Larry unloads on liars, phonies, punks… and more!

Some weeks I sit down in front of the mic and think, what the hell am I going to say? This week, I had too much to say, because I was so pissed off.

Coyotes killed the neighbors dog as their little girl watched and my kids got an ear full of it and it took me two hours to console them. If you’ve never seen (or heard) coyotes tear a pet to shreds, it ain’t pretty. But if you live anywhere in L.A., you won’t have to wait long for the experience. The goddamn things are everywhere. A population explosion. They are vermin. They are dangerous. They need to be thinned out – big time. They are the ISIS of the animal kingdom.

It wasn’t always this way. But thanks to the efforts of outfits like Project Coyote, a bullshit organization that disseminates fairy tales about Coyotes, people think they have a right to share our space. At least they do until their poodle’s guts are strewn across their yards. One of my friends came home and found their Labrador’s head and collar in center yard and his torso and legs in the four corners. Neat huh? Wanna co-exist with things that do that? I do. And I’ve had a fucking belly-full of it.

Here’s a sample image from Project Coyote’s website. Makes them look like sweet house-pets, right?




Here’s what coyotes are really all about.






Here’s a “best of” reel of coyotes on killing sprees.

The spokeshole for Project Coyote is wait for it… “actorvist” Peter Coyote. I think he’s full of shit, and so I extend an open invitation to Peter to come on my show and explain to me exactly why they are great animals we should welcome into OUR habitat. And if Peter can’t make it, maybe Dan Flores, another coyote apologist, will accept my challenge. (He won’t.)

Here’s a video about Project Coyote and how it seems they are really good at… nothing – but… well, raising funds for… themselves. If they want to preserve coyotes in the wild, fine. But in urban areas, its a disaster, so shut up. And don’t ask me to “co-exist.”

The next thing to set me off was the latest chapter in the never ending shit show that is our government bureaucracy. I’ve had enough of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel’s bullshit, arrogance and refusal to accept any responsibility for ANYTHING. So after we insist he get out of the uniform he disgraces, we dress him as an organ grinder’s monkey. Clothes DO make the man, eh?

Then, it’s out to the woodshed for a little talk. Have a listen. Whatta punk! 






Lastly, if you’ve ever been capriciously and unjustly censored, de-monitized, age-restricted or banned by any social media platform, I’ve got a plan for you. And planet Earth.But I’m not going to spell it out here. So listen and if you love it, email me at thatlarryshow@gmail.com and we’ll see if we can make my idea a reality.

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I’ll see you in a few days at Sinners’ Sunday, which is doing very nicely, thank you.

In the mean time, if you see a coyote attack a house pet, smash its fucking head with a Louisville Slugger.

As Sammy Davis Jr. (perhaps the most talented entertainer of all time) used to say:

Peace, Love and Togetherness.