Episode 359: No Safety Net


How winners ride out stormy times ▲ The secret “paradise” Larry left when he moved to L.A. ▲ Why are the Dodgers the best team? (hint: it has nothing to do with baseball) ▲ Larry’s experience that mimicked “The Shining” ▲ Why Malibu sucks 


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or several – before they’re gone!

Send $10 via Pay Pal and be sure to mention KEY FOB with your order. (3 for $25)

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Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 358: From Moon Rockets to Training Wheels


How did the American Idiocracy happen?The unmentionable reason USA is doomed 2 bumper stickers that reveal all wisdomLet’s speak ABUSE to powerThe worst 16 years in US History Parents: the new marginalized demographic ▲ Had a belly-full of JOeey & Co.? This is your episode!


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. (3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

A few vintage motel-style KEY FOBS are still available. Get one –

or several – before they’re gone!

Send $10 via Pay Pal and be sure to mention KEY FOB with your order. (Also 3 for $25)

(USA Only)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 357: Lost, Found, Fate and Faith


Meet Bronx Tina – the antithesis of AOC Is PETA a crock? Meet Mona – the 7-pound canine angel saved by lucky timingHow Easter is your ultimate survival toolSinners’ Sunday re-visitedHow Moose came to be guard dog of the TNS Dojo How to speak Bronx


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. (3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment! (And your mailing address!)

Only available in USA

A few vintage motel-style KEY FOBS are still available. Get one –

or several – before they’re gone!

Send $10 via Pay Pal and be sure to mention KEY FOB with your order.

(USA Only)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 356: Busting The Fake Hero Scam


2 amazing ballsy women who are actually FEMALE! How gubmnt invents heroes The Covid hero turnstileThe difference between courage, ballsyness and heroics ▲ How fake heroes undermine authentic onesThe greatest war hero you never heard ofLock and load, and prepare to engage the enemy!


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. ($10 each or 3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

A few vintage motel-style KEY FOBS are still available. Get one –

or several – before they’re gone!

Send $10 via Pay Pal and be sure to mention KEY FOB with your order.

(USA Only)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 355: Larry Jumps The Shark


What Chris Rock SHOULD have said/done to Will Smith ▲ When America began to decay ▲ How Happy Days would look in 2022 ▲ Why Putin is better/smarter than JOeeey ▲ Why De Niro is a punk ▲ Why actors deserve NO respect ▲ More BRILLIANT ADVICE from Charles Manson ▲ This episode is audio ambrosia – LISTEN and LOVE!


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. (3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

A few vintage motel-style KEY FOBS are still available. Get one –

or several – before they’re gone! Only $10 – order through Pal Pal and be sure to mention “KEY FOB!”

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 354: Larry’s Big Adventure


Larry flies like SUPERMAN! Larry rides like Evel Knievel The 2 key elements of authentic adventureWhy store-bought adventures suckHow to find your true callingTuning out killjoys and naysayers ▲ Finding adventure in YOUR life ▲ Larry’s NEXT big adventure!


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker.  $10 (3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 353: Larry’s Margins of Reality


Attempted murder in one of Larry’s NY hangouts ▲ The secret of self-defense Why maniacs and psychos roam America ▲ Astral projection ride-along with Larry ▲ Meet the Los Angeles Mask-Zombies ▲ How 2 years were stolen from Larry’s kids ▲ Corporate Judo at the Take No Shit Dojo.


As you’ll discover in this episode, I have a thing for (some) modern art. Long ago, I was something of a regular at NY’s famed MOMA – Museum of Modern Art. I spent a lot of time there, decompressing from the office. Three of my favorite works would suck me in like a vortex. I’d stare at them so long and so hard, I sometimes felt as if I had morphed into the paintings. And no, I never did any hallucinogens.

This was usually first on my list.

The Sleeping Gypsy by Henri Rousseau

Next, this one by Magritte. Can you feel those cobblestones beneath your shoes? I could.

Empire of Light, Rene Magritte

“Empire of Light” was also part of the permanent collection. The forground says 6:30 while the sky is at least two hours earlier. And that street lamp. It knows all about the residents of those fancy homes. But it isn’t telling.

Maybe Salvador Dali took psychedelic drugs. How else did he come up with Persistence of Memory? When time melts, does it slow down or speed up?

Persistence of Memory, Salvador Dali

As Yin to the Yang of those magnificent works of art, here’s a video of some maniac stabbing two people, in very close proximity to those paintings. Said maniac was pissed off for many reasons, primarily that people were no longer wearing masks in Manhattan.

Of course, the TV report omits that information.

Here are some of the psycho stabber’s tweets.

He’s still at large.

Be careful out there.


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. (3 for $25. Free shipping.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 352: Why Sweat THIS Crisis? There’s ALWAYS a Crisis.


How we came to accept life in ‘Crisis-Mode’How we facilitate government control of our lives The new name for ‘mainstream media’ (and why they’ll HATE it) Easy ways you can destroy big banks and social media ▲ Why voting may be meaningless Why “Public” is a dirty word ▲ Hate Commies? Love America? HEAR THIS EPISODE!

Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. 

Send $10 via PayPal (3 for $25, free shipping) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 351: Propaganda’s Carousel of Boogey-Men


American wars that were started with LIESPolitical MONSTERS they never vilify Which 2 presidents were almost as destructive/stupid as JOeeey?The SONG that lured 116,000 Americans to their deathWords gubmnt uses to trigger the masses


Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker.  

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment. ($10 each, or 3 for $25. Free shipping.)

(Only available in USA)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779

Episode 350: War is Joey’s Codpiece


Why Joey wants America in WW3Why Putin (and the world) laughs at JoeyJoey the bogus football star Why weak men are more dangerous than tough menWhy Justin & Joey are soul mates/bunk punksAll aboard the Freedom Convoy, USA

Tell the world YOU are a LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone), with this flexible, weatherproof magnetic sticker. (3 for $25. Free shipping, USA only.)

Send $10 via PayPal (with your address) and FLAUNT your membership in the Take No Shit Dojo! Be sure to include the word LUTFA in your payment.

(Only available in USA)

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Email Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo – 302-715-2779