Episode 339: Rich Idiots and the Dishwasher Mogul


How being voted least likely to succeed helped a dishwasher become a restaurant mogul The morons who financed NY’s Empire State Building How the Cuomo brothers re-invented stupid Larry’s secret podcasting “process” The last B&W photo Larry ever took Larry solves a mystery from his childhood


A brutally cold February night in Queens, New York.

A long time ago.

A Miranda Sensorex loaded with Tri-X Pan and pushed to ASA 1600. After just a few frames, the shutter froze. This was the best of a few.

Enjoy the episode.


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Episode 338: Larry Coaches Biden


Larry coaches Biden on pronouncing OMICRON – can he do it? Can Fauci? Biden admits he’s clueless about new variant How many weasel words can Biden stuff in 1 sentence? ▲ Joey blames the pandemic on something new ▲ Fauci’s pet name for Joey – revealed!


The source video for this episode’s clips is below. As I said in the episode, it’s a symphony of fakery and fuckery.

When you listen to Joey and Fauci speak – really listen – you should get pissed off. Really pissed off. Because they lie with every breath. Everybody lies – but their lies are obvious – VERY obvious – and that’s what should piss you off. Because they don’t even try to make the lies believable. Because they think they’re smart, and we’re stupid.

Yet neither one of them can correctly pronounce the simple word OMICRON. Both dolts say OMNI-cron. Biden flubs it four times in less than 10 minutes. Fauci once, but he speaks for a shorter interval. The fact that these two are either too stupid or too lazy to learn the word says volumes about both of them.

Watch Biden struggle to recall what month it is, and then look at his notes to check. It’s at the 7:35 mark.

These two mendacious, geriatric punks know the vaxes are duds, yet they push them like pimps at the gates of a naval base. Why? Because at this point, they have no choice. To admit the truth would put their names up there in lights with Goring, Hess and Bormann.

Watch this video. On the first viewing, it’s funny. But when you realize the cost of their deception, it’s not funny. Not funny at all.


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Episode 337: Larry’s Classic Thanksgiving


This is the 400th American Thanksgiving – why aren’t we celebrating that milestone? Why the Pilgrims were LUTFAS How ASTCO’s are trying to delete Thanksgiving ▲ Why I drove 6,000 miles last Thanksgiving ▲ Whether you know it or not, YOU are a PILGRIM! ▲ Don’t TOUCH that turkey until you’ve listened to this episode!


As a kid, there was an omnipresent advertisement in the NYC subway system. It was for some school that taught short hand for secretaries. In a cursive script, the ad said “if u cn rd ths msg u cb gt a gd jb w/ hi pa.” Of course, most of those posters had graffiti over the text that said “Fk U.” That typified the spirit of New York.

Why mention this? Because if you are reading this message, I hope you’re waiting for the bird to exit the oven, or you are stuffed to capacity, have had the best Thanksgiving ever.

In the episode, I mentioned tumbleweeds and promised a video (not my own, as I was too busy navigating them to shoot video.)

We encountered a similar tumbleweed storm last November as we drove across the continent. It matters not if you hit them – they disintegrate on impact. So you can either maneuver around them or plow through them – like a real life video game.

What’s the image below? It was sent to me by

ladygetoverit@noagendasocial, who fashioned the sign for friends @hopscotch and Billybon3. Why does it thrill me? Because the term LUTFA (Leave Us The Fuck Alone) was coined by me in my podcast. And clearly, it’s gaining momentum. I’m looking into having magnetic stickers produced so everyone can spread the LUTFA gospel, and put ASTCOs (Assholes Seeking To Control Others) on notice. We’re not taking any of their shit.

I do a lot of guest shots on other podcasts. Most recently, Boobury, Quirkess and Lavish invited me to hang with them and talk everything from JFK conspiracies to cults we love. And Boobury made this fantastic promotional piece. Ain’t it cool?

Have a listen to the show, you’ll dig it. https://www.behindthesch3m3s.com/episodes/

Gotta run now, time to eat. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Episode 336: The Commie Glossary – new lies they’re telling.


What’s the new Commie term for “free?” Why “equality” is now a bad word What Commie word has replaced it? How Mao’s Commie take-over mirrors the USA right now ▲ Who was Hogan and why was his goat effed up? ▲ Commies want to put you in chains, and they’re doing it with words. Listen to this episode and get wise!


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Episode 335: Mass Psychosis


How to survive a human stampede The horse doctor who runs Pfizer wants to criminalize you Bag O’ Maggots Biden’s Covid lies that threaten YOUR lifePsychiatrist says Biden is running a cult Los Angeles is now a bio-medical surveillance police state What to pray for now


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Episode 334: Are YOU in a CULT?


Meet the cultists who believe JFK Jr. will be resurrected Meet Mother God, the sleazy kook who bilked boobs out of money and (accidentally) killed herself with her own magic elixir ▲ How cults operate and brainwash their members ▲ Famous organizations that are actually cults ▲ Discover America’s new drug cult – it ain’t recreational! ▲ Whether you realize it or not – YOU’RE in a cult – listen to this episode and learn which one!

Here’s some Daria Zaritskya, High Priestess of my forthcoming cult in the high desert. AS PROMISEDI Daria Zaritskaya – Back In Black

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Episode 333: How to Idiot-Proof Your Life


What is the root cause of most disasters? How would Joeeey Biden handle war with China? What could Alec Baldwin have learned from Red Adair? Is gumbnt lying about passenger behavior on airplanes? What’s the real reason passengers are pissed off? What 2 words do idiots believe correct all mistakes? How can we idiot – proof ourselves?


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Episode 332: Secrets to Your Best Halloween


What’s an inaptronym, and why does sports bar meet the definition? What is quality time and how can you infuse your life with it? Why do self-made things beat hell out of acquisitions? Why the MATRIX is reality for millions of people Things that can bring you happiness year-after-year Whether you are a kid, have been a kid or have kids – this is your episode.


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Episode 331: America’s Breaking Point


How will America break up? ▲ When will Civil War 2.0 begin? ▲ Why did Kamala nickname herself “Mamaluh?” ▲ Where do ASTCOs come from? Why do they love tyrants? Why do they love crowded cities? What’s the only thing ASTCOs can produce? The REAL Bag O’ Maggots Biden


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Episode 330: Spotlight On Scum


What are KIDULTS / how are they destroying the world? Who is Dan Andrews and why is he a punk / asshole? What does Dan Andrews have in common with Hitler, Stalin and Mao? How did Australia become an island prison? U.S. Secretary of HHS has NO medical background – why is is he in charge of your health?▲ What is “The Mussolini Treatment,” and why is it the hope of the world?


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Call the TNS DOJO – 302-715-2779