It’s not “civil unrest,” it’s a Commie coup orchestrated to take down America The Commie organizations that are behind the violence – NAMED The REAL reason America teeters on the edge of disaster The Commie politicians that are helping Antifa take over America – NAMED What’s really behind cops “taking a knee” – (it’s SICK) The Commie politicians who change their name – same as Hitler, Trotsky and other monsters It’s OPEN SEASON ON COMMIES at That LARRY SHOW!

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Episode 258: Self-Destruction 101


Why is Central Park Karen an omen that the 2020 SCAMdemic is nearly over? ■ What made her do what she did? (It wasn’t fear) The paths to self destruction and how you can avoid them ■The 6-letter phrase that protects you from self-destruction Copper Stallion – the company that’s even dumber than its name ■ Nothing’s more fun that stupid people doing stupid things!


I‘ve not yet seen it called the SCAMdemic, so I’ll plant my flag in that name. Of course, it’s not a hoax, there were plenty of fatalities. But it was NOT the danse macabre that was promised by “SCIENCE!”

Science has become a very elastic word. Some people think its a synonym for truth. Maybe in Isaac Newton’s day, but 21st century science is laced with bullshit. Because its been politicized.

Oh, and those scienTISTS. Many are assholes claiming to be scientists. There isn’t a lot of standardization for who gets to call themselves a “scientist.” If you think you’re a scientist, then you are one. Like this guy.

Science “communicator.”

He has no credentials in “science.” Zero. So he calls himself a “science communicator” — in the fine print. Neat, huh?

Science and “expert” have become interchangeable. Bill Gates has referred to himself as a “health care expert.” Throwing money at something does not make one an expert. I once threw pennies off of Hoover damn. Does that entitle me to call myself a hydro-electric engineer? In Gates’ and Nye’s world it does.

I don’t claim to be an expert at anything, but I can recognize a trend when I see one. And the recent dust up between this head case

“Hello, Police? There’s a man recording me as I strangle my dog.”

.and some bird-watcher in New York’s Central park is a clear indication that the Scamdemic of 2020 is waning. People are walking dogs, watching birds and getting pissed at each other and then becoming infamous on Twitter. Which says they’re not so worried about the Kung Flu anymore.

Crazy Amy was the inspiration for this episode. Not too often do we see someone self-destruct in a short video as she did. So I thought I’d offer some ideas on how not to self-destruct.

Then there was the bizarre case of Copper Stallion, the wedding videography outfit that self-destructed over a measly $1,800 deposit, which they refused to refund to would-be groom whose fiance died before the wedding.

For decades, Copper Stallion will be a case study in how to destroy a business. Their crowning achievement was setting up a bogus website to brutally mock the customer with the dead fiance. They wisely removed the site, but guess what – the internet never forgets. Some 3rd party archived Copper Stallion’s revenge site, and here it is. Enjoy.


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Episode 257: Attack of the Incel Terrorists


What are the four pillars of inceldom? What are incels’ secret signals? What is “skulmogging,” and why is Larry guilty of it? Why will Incel Terrorism be embraced by law-enforcement (even though it’s bullshit)? ♠ Spotting an Incels by their wardrobe Names that DOOM a guy to inceldom – if your name’s on the list, change it! ♠ This special Memorial Day episode will help you start your summer right.


This just in from the front-line of the war on males:


Looks like a comedy headline, but it’s not.

Alleged incel goes into Toronto rub and tug joint (are they legal there?) and hacks up two “masseuses” with a machete. One dies. Attacker had dark web postings on incel forums. So he, and any male not getting laid — and having the audacity to complain about it…is a terrorist.

Sterling police work, RCMP.

2+2= 22.

(They teach Common Core in Canada?)

Here’s a video about the story: (BTW, she’s an “expert,” but nobody is saying what her field of expertise is.)


You don’t have to be psychic to see where this is going. Any male who makes any female “uncomfortable” for any reason, i.e., saying – “Have a nice day,” or “Is this line for ticket holders? or, “Excuse me,” can be prosecuted as a terrorist.

The “expert” in that video braying about the misogyny of incels seems to have no problem with the business where the masseuse was killed.

These images are from the “Crown Spa” website. It’s where the victim was employed.

Does the Crown Spa “objectify” women? It sure looks that way.

Does the mindless PC “expert” (expert at what? Being stupid?) blabbering from :58 to 1:11 in the news video care about that? No. Not even a little. But she does hate males. That’s clear. 

Note to RCMP illiterates: Terrorism is when a person or group makes threats to achieve a POLITICAL goal. That’s spelled P-O-L-I-T-I-C-A-L. Unless the Toronto massage parlor hacker was shouting “vote for Trudeau,” as he swung that machete, his was not an act of terrorism.

If there are insufficient threats from which Government can protect us, they’ll invent some. Here’s an additional terrorist threat they may have over-looked.

Justin Trudeau’s face could be Terrorist Threat. It makes many people uncomfortable. Many allege he is Fidel Castro’s son. (Hard to deny when you see their photos together.) Castro was a terrorist and a dictator and a Commie and a murderer so… why hasn’t the RCMP declared the Canadian Prime Minister a Terrorist? The logic holds.

Sonny-boy and Dad?

Meanwhile 99% of incels are kinda pathetic. In this episode, you’ll get a look into their world, a world where every little short-coming, from a petite dick to anegative canthal tilt” is reason (in their minds) no female would ever want to bed them.

But incels do have their own fight song and it’s not bad. So they’ve got that going for them. Click below and have a listen.

Elliot Roger – has become the poster boy for incels. Which is unfortunate. Is Elliot repulsive? 

Elliot Roger. Dead and disgraced.

He’s hardly a troll, is he? Plenty of women might have found him intriguing.

Unlike the Adonis below.

Michael Moore. Rich and famous.

Shouldn’t he be the poster boy for incels?. Instead, many people think he’s smart and witty and watch his shitty movies and his endless TV appearances.

When Elliot Roger looked in a mirror, he probably saw this:

When Michael Moore looks in a mirror, he probably sees this:

It’s all attitude and self esteem, isn’t it?

Of course, a cool name helps. There are a gang of awful guys’ names that almost ensure inceldom.

Listen to the episode. If yours is mentioned, change it.

Lastly, it’s Memorial Day weekend – one of the great American holidays – created for the best of all reasons.- to venerate the untold Americans who died in wars to protect our freedoms.

But unlike any previous Memorial Day weekend, many of us will not be visiting the beach. Those wide, sunny and windswept places are closed for your safety.

There will also be no Indianapolis 500. One of the great American spectacles I hope to view in person. (You could not pay me enough to watch a fucking Super Bowl – but the 500 – that’s entertainment!). The 500 been postponed until August. Also for our safety.

But we are ALL FREE to visit Home Depot or Costco and hang around inside a closed area with marginal ventilation. Much, much safer.

Maybe the real terrorists are… government “officials.”

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Episode 256: Greetings From The Post-Pandemic World


The following creeps DO NOT want the pandemic to end: quarantine snitchers, loser-doomers, fear-mongers and panic pushers – why do they love the Wuhan Virus? What’s the most corrupt organization in the world? Who is “Dr.” Teddy-weddy and why does he suck? What will the post-pandemic world look like? The hit YouTube video that says the virus is a good thing If this episode doesn’t piss you off, you’re already dead!


Los Angeles, arguably one of the “outdoorsiest” cities in the world – has just been ordered to “stay at home” for another three months.

That order came from her:

The numbers in my meme are a little off – this is a more accurate accounting: $553,249 in total compensation. Of this total $413,865 was received as a salary, $61,479 was received as benefits and $77,905 came from other types of compensation . This information is according to Los Angeles County payrolls.

Wonder what that $77,905 “other compensation” was for?

Meanwhile, nearly half of LA’s population is out of work.

Anyone who does not despise politicians must be one.

Eventually, the Wuhan Virus will circulate through the population and no longer be a major threat. But long after the virus is gone, politicians will still be around.

Is anybody working on a way to eliminate politicians?

I hope so.

Also, cretins like this:

Are producing propaganda videos that claim the pandemic is a GOOD thing. That pain, suffering, death and economic collapse was necessary to teach us all a lesson.

And Hollywood wants to transform his shitty, stupid propaganda poem into some type of entertainment.

Watch it. If you like it, you’re on the wrong podcast page.

In this episode, I reveal exactly what his video is all about.

Think the Pandemic is something?

The aftermath will make it look like weak sauce.

Keep your powder dry.

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Episode 255: What’s Your Soundtrack?


What did Larry’s South Korean girlfriend teach him? ♦ Do dogs bark differently in Korea? Do game show hosts sound the same at home? Why are there no female game-show hosts? What’s the soundtrack of your life – 007 or Good, Bad & Ugly? ♦ Who is that little man living inside Larry’s head? Why is Jeopardy! the crappiest game show of all time? ♦ What does mung mung mean in Korean? ♦ All this and more in this audio feast of an episode!

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Episode 254: Time Tripping With Larry


Is timing everything? What if Weinstein and Epstein had waited until the Corona panic – would anyone have cared? The 5-minute delayed call that changed everything for Larry How Larry re-created the Scottish moors in his living room ▲ Can you over-think a decision? ▲ Leave you luggage at home, this time trip is clothing-optional!

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Bonus Episode 35: Three E-Z Ways to Self-Motivate + The Dojo Honor Roll


3 easy steps to self-motivate and achieve your quarantine goals The world is a Cuckoo’s Nest and Nurse Ratched is the boss – how she plans to destroy you How Commies fake out proles and useful idiots ▲ How the TNS Dojo came to be ▲ Why isn’t Toxic Femininity a thing?▲ How to cut your booze consumption without AA ▲ All this and more in Bonus Episode 35!

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Episode 253: Rebellion In A Poppy Field


How quarantine is killing people The Govt. snitch app you can download to rat on your neighbor What’s your quaran-TEAM, the SHABs or the GOAWAs? Why Corona is better than cancer ▲ Larry plays guitar for the SHABS & GOAWAs ▲ If you’ve had a belly-full of lockdown, you NEED this episode!



The idea for the above image came to me several days after I posted the episode. I kinda wish I had it first, but – take your pick. Versions 1 and 2 are equally representative of the show.

You can’t keep me out of the high desert. Especially when the poppies have carpeted the valleys and foot hills.

People up there live in Southern California, but they are NOT Southern Californians. They own guns. The believe in God. They think Hollywood is a sewer.

So do I.

They do things like this horse.

I approve of this horse.

And this sign.

Mountains, baby.

This episode is very special to me. It was inspired by many things, but mostly by a girl taking graduation pictures, despite mandates, warnings, lockdowns, quarantines and all the other shit our fucked media and fucked government could throw at her. I have no idea who she was, but she will forever be one of my heroes.

Here she is.

Congratulations, whoever you are, you beautiful non-compliant graduate!

And here’s another one of my heroes, Moose. He has more empathy, courage and spirit than many people. Especially the jackholes I’ve labeled SHABS in this episode. Those people suck and are inferior to Moose. You’ll have to listen to find out why.

Moose rules.

America is great.

Government/politicians suck.

Deal with it.

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Episode 252: Why Safety Is Dangerous


The four elements that make suckers suckers ■ Coronavirus: the new marketing platform that should piss you off ■ Why corporate America loves stupid and lazy consumers Corporations we should hate How they insult our intelligence Larry’s advertising epiphany How X-ray specs made somebody rich and jackasses out of every buyer ■ The ‘solar-powered clothes dryer’ and the venerable con-man who created it ■ Glossary of lies politicians use to dupe voters ■


Of course we’re all sick of the Kung Flu, Wuhan Virus, Corona virus – gotta call it by all its names, don’t we? Yes we do. But what’s making it even worse? Corporate America. Try to find a company website that doesn’t have some phony “we care” tag line or virtue signaling paragraph about how much they’re doing to help the cause.

They’re all full of shit.

Like Honda.

Look at this.

Hey Honda, define “together.”

Together? If that woman and/or her kid gets sick, will Honda send a nurse to their home? Or pick up the medical bills? Exactly what does Honda mean by “together?”

They’re bragging because they donated $1 million dollars to some virus effort. Last year, Honda grossed $143 billion. Wow.

But most are just as fake as Honda. I’d hold Honda in much higher esteem of they gave nothing to any Corona virus charity, but stopped pushing their phony “we care” narrative. It’s repulsive. It’s insulting.

In a matter of weeks, corporations have shifted from enviro-saints to virus-saints and I’m not buying any of it.

When this pandemic has passed, they’ll go right back to their enviro-pitch or whatever cause they think excites people who believe in…bullshit.

Gotta give props to Apple. I’m not a fan of their stuff, but there’s not a word about the virus on their page.

I’m liking Coke even better. Pointy chicks (look at the smile on that knockout on the left!) and they’re not even social distancing!

Ford doesn’t give a shit about Corona either.

Ford sells cars and trucks. Not diseases.


This ad tells everything you need to know about most consumers. Listen to the episode for details.

And fuck Honda.

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Episode 251: Why Is Jesus On Lock-down? (Sinners’ Sunday #74)


In old Rome, early Christians had to assemble in secrecy, Today, Easter Sunday, 2020, the same thing is happening.

Who has the right say who or what is… essential?

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