Truth lives at That LARRY SHOW, a weekly sojourn at the crossroads of madness and enlightenment. With LARRY in your life, you'll Take No Sh*t, and laugh your way to victory.
Meet the other Sean. Listen, as he opens up on: Dick, History, Music, Corona, His Childhood, Fatherhood, Actors, Hollywood, The Recording Industry, 007, Prima Donnas, Kids, The Future, Life, Death and more.
Why quarantine is the gift you must not waste ▲ How to squeeze opportunity from crisis ▲ Ways not to assault your family/roomies during quarantine ▲ Binge watching or self improvement – which is right for you? ▲ Why lock-down is a stupid, stupid word ▲ Why the media wants you fat, dumb and scared ▲ Where and how fortunes will be made from the pandemic ▲ This episode is your pathway to prosperity – don’t miss it!
To mask or not to mask? THEY’VE BEEN LYING TO YOU! ▼ Are you essential? ▼ Are you expendable? ▼ Lies they are telling you ▼ Your survival checklist ▼ What’s the true safe measure for social distancing? ▼ What South Korea did and why it worked ▼ How politicians are exploiting this pandemic for a power grab ▼ Larry names names and calls out the liars – in the most important episode ever.
Larry’s future-cast: CHEAP college tuition ● Macho men reclaim their birthright ●Soy-boys and snowflakes sent to the back of the line ●Hugs and handshakes are over and why that’s a good thing ●Humor returns to comedy ● Why you shouldn’t believe experts ● A true and classic Larry NY tale explaining the way of the universe ● The pandemic glossary you’ll love to hate ● How Britney Spears’ cans predicted 9/11 ● This is THE feel-good podcast of the pandemic!
What happens when Tony and Larry meet a man with a rifle on a dark mountain road? ♠ Tony wises Larry up ♠ Larry discovers there’s more to chicks than pointiness ♠ Tony goes cowboy and regrets it ♠ What are Mummers, and how did they drive Tony crazy? ♠ Tony predicts Larry’s future, years in advance ♠ Come along with Tony, Larry and their pointy chicks for an adventure in the Poconos!
What time is displayed on the Doomsday Clock? ▲Discover the FUN method of execution everyone’s talking about, ‘Blown From A Gun!’▲ How to stop worrying and start loving the Corona virus ▲ What is the Vortex of Doom and how can you profit from it? ▲ An eyewitness account of a “Blown From A Gun” execution ▲ Why Daffy Duck and Road Runner kicked Mickey & Minnie’s asses ▲ Calm your fears and laugh at danger, in this devil-may-care episode!
Poet Robbie Burns first mentioned man’s inhumanity to man. And no matter how fucking civilized we may think we are, that bloodthirsty savage isn’t too far from the surface.
Witness this:
He looks serene for a man about out o be blown up.
Above is some dude, probably guilty of no more than fighting for the wrong side, about to be disintegrated in a most graphic, efficient and intimidating fashion. It was called “blown by a gun,” and it was all the rage in colonial India. The Brits did not invent it, but they embraced it with both arms and a ramrod. Being the masters of PR they have been for centuries, here’s the sanitized rendering by the Crown:
Doesn’t look too nasty at all, does it.
Never a nation to let a crisis go to waste, the UK blamed the Irish potato famine in full for a million Micks dead by starvation. In fact, most died because the genteel Brits blockaded their ports. The victors do write (and paint) history.
By the way, I can say Mick, because despite my Teutonic surname, I am a Mick – about 95%, so if anyone finds my use of Mick offensive, they can pogue mahone.
This Corona virus thing is being used much like the potato famine. I’m not big on conspiracy theories, but the media is, without question – spreading panic to crash the U.S. (i.e. the world’s) economy, which will make Commie lies and politicians attractive to mouth-breathing foolswho think the gulag is a dance craze.
But even in the worst of times, some people manage to live well, even large, so why not you?
The stock market may plunge, but, contrary to the desires of Commie scum (and they’re ALL scum) it will not evaporate. Many of the richest assholes on earth ARE Commies – Soros and Putin to name two. Although Putin is really up the in the stratosphere with a net worth in the $60 billion range. He must have swung that hammer and sickle really hard.
So if you have any spare jing, buy stocks. It’s pretty much a no-brainer.
Here’s the guy who inspired the title of this episode, with the term doomvortex. His white board is a little confusing. But what matters is, he’s having fun, even in the doom vortex.
High-colonic enemas – are they right for you? ♦ How to unplug – anytime, anywhere ♦ How to detox like a movie star ♦ Why did they call Larry “Houdini?” ♦ Should you swim with dry ice? ♦ Why Larry wants to hang out with Vlad Putin (and NOT Justin Trudeau) ♦ Suggested small talk for your first professional enema ♦ All this and more in this CLEANSING episode!
Beware the Coronavirus SUPER-SPREADER! ▲ The 3 easy things YOU need to establish a successful cult and GET RICH! ▲ The cult leader with 93 Rolls Royce automobiles who lectures about greed ▲ How to spot suckers that will make you rich ▲ The biker that enlightened Larry about cults ▲ All this and more in this mystical episode!
The news is always insane. Usually, it’s one flavor or insanity at a time. But now, we have a plague conflated with a doomsday cult, which is more fun than a barrel full of deadly pathogens. When I first read the term “super–spreader,” I laughed out loud. In my mind, I saw some guy with a gator-sized maw running through thick crowds as he sneezed and coughed – a human Godzilla spreading death with droplets of diseased saliva and sputum.
Unlike Godzilla, It would take a while for the crowd to react to him. Godzilla was the size of a building. A person – even a deadly one – just isn’t as noticeable. But after a while, after the threat spread through the throng, people would run in terror. That’s always fun to watch.
That could happen in real life, right? What an opportunity for pranksters! The same warped mind that would joke about a bomb on an airplane, could point to a stranger – or a friend – and scream CORONA SUPER SPREADER! And people would scatter and flee as they would from a live grenade. (Gee, is that warped mind mine?}
Of course, some idiot would dial 911. Idiots always dial 911, thinking cops can handle anything just like in idiot movies and idiot TV shows. And when the cops showed up – what would they do?
This is the third episode I’ve created that dealt (in part) with Corona virus. And as usual, in this so-called ‘information age,’ nobody knows what the fuck is going on. Wall St. is shitting blood, Asian cities are on lock-down and tales of madness are flying like monkeys over Oz. Where does the truth lie?
Only time will tell.
A few days ago, I stopped in Home Depot to pick up stuff for a minor sand and paint job. Face masks were sold out.
As the death-toll rises, so will Krazy Kult enrollment. Even when the world is kinda / sorta on an even keel, morons throng cults. When the apocalypse is nigh, those cults won’t need to recruit, they’ll have monstrous cover-charges at the temple door, like trendy nightclubs.
Nobody wants to drink alone. Or die alone.
In this episode, I dump all over this dead asshole.
Rajneesh, aka Bhagwan, aka Osho. Deceased. Morons still wor$hip him.
BTW, why do people say we should have respect for the dead? When assholes die, do they become great guys? Maybe defamers of the dead are worried about being haunted? Or meeting an angry, vengeful soul on the other side? I’m no brawler, but I’m confident my ghost can kick his ghost’s ass.
Anyway, his name was Rajneesh, thenBhagwan, and just before he croaked, Osho. (Ever notice how assholes are always changing their names?) He was a con artist and bilked thousands of morons out of tens (hundreds?) of millions of dollars. The morons bought him Lear jets and 93 Rolls Royce automobiles and hundreds of iced Rolex watches etc. And he had the balls to preach about greed.
I don’t hate him, though. I envy him. To be honest, people that stupid deserve to be bilked. They really do. And then ridiculed.
A major star. A sex therapist. How ‘journalists’ manipulated the story.♦ Why restraining orders and gun free zones are stupid ♦ How neighbors are different in L.A. ♦ The signal-jamming bracelet you need to wear ♦ Airline seat recline debate… SETTLED! ♦ Why people smile when discussing murder ♦ All this and more in this deep dive into Hollywood fakery.
Los Angeles is where fake was invented and perfected. A metropolis built on bullshit. Plastic people – literally – toupees and botox and collagen and steroid muscles and elevator shoes and porcelain veneers. Even when somebody gets killed, the media just has to put some top spin on the story, in case it isn’t sufficiently titillating.
Like this story from ABC-TV about the murder of a sexy sex therapist who was engaged to a big TV star who had nothing to do with her murder.
Once I parse that, have a look at this nutty bracelet.
Would I wear one? Fuck yeah. And so would you if you’d like to jam the cell phones of all the cretins yammering on them. What a fine device! The device that renders other devices helpless. And you wear it on your wrist. Does it look goofy? Yeah. But who cares? The thing has power. The power to shut people up. We all want that power, don’t we? Maybe even more than flight, invisibility or super-human strength.
Who’s the the chooch above? He’s Eddie, the CEO of Delta Airlines, and he’s as clueless as his counterparts at the other airlines.. He thinks he has the solution to seat reclining misery, and that the solution is courtesy. He’s completely full of shit. Courtesy does not expand space.
Also, airline seats do not recline. A Lazy Boy reclines. Airline seats merely move an inch or two, which does nothing for your comfort, while fucking up the flight for the person behind you if they are larger than a poodle.
So, I verbally kick a fresh hole in Eddie’s ass, as is my right, and my calling.