Episode 171: Social Media Smackdown!


Are you an auto-sexual? ● Why are NBA stars depressed? ● How will Larry destroy social media? ● What will the UK do without free internet porn? ● Who wants to “save’ the World Wide Web and why is he an idiot? ● Why Gen Z’s are dumping smart phones for dumb phones ● Why are we letting Silicon Valley manlets put us in the corner? ● How can we cut off their balls? ● All this and more in Episode 171

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

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Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Bonus Episode 26: 2 words that kill you. 4 words that save you.


How to take the training wheels off YOUR life ♠ The 2 words that make you lose ♠ The 4 words that make you win ♠ Cars that snitch on you ♠ The greatest shit-takers of all time ♠ How we rationalize defeat ♠ How you can win conflicts ♠ The childhood incident that changed Larry’s’ life forever ♠ The mysterious stranger who inspired the Take No Shit credoThe reading of the TNS Dojo Honor Roll

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 170: Would Jesus Do Mardi Gras? (Sinners’ Sunday #51)


Would Jesus do Mardi Gras? ● Why has Lent become 6 weeks of insufferable virtue signaling? ● What kind of woman is “Church Hot?” ● What’s a Faux Modest Goddess and why are they a worthy obsession? ● What did the Beverly Hills priest say that pissed off his congregation? ● Why you shouldn’t bother giving up chocolate or booze or anything for Lent ● Which Sunday podcast do soldiers in Iraq listen to? ● All this and more, in Sinners’ Sunday # 51

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel: 302-71-larry

Here’s the image of the Federal jail in LA. Beyond creepy, yes?

Episode 169: Maga Man vs Little Rocket Man, Round 2


Kim’s loose-lipped girlfriend is back and tells ALL! ● What is HUCOW & Bronco buster? ● What do HE-MAN and SHE-RA have to do with Kim Jong Un? ● The 5 words Trump could say to Kim that would make him disarm ● How Bloomberg’s anti-self defense “culture of compliance” wants to control YOU! ● The difference between cooperation and compliance ● Words Commies use to control you ● Update on United Airlines passenger beat-down.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Follow the show on Twitter

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Episode 168: The Outlaw John McAfee


Is John McAfee the last outlaw? ♦ Why are outlaws an endangered species? ♦ What is the quintessential element of the outlaw persona? ♦ What’s a meat parade and where can you see one? ♦ Who are the greatest outlaws in sports, fiction and more? ♦ What made Joe Namath a heretic? ♦ Why weekend warriors are all phony punks ♦ What single attribute USED to make a man a man but has been outlawed? ♦ Why Bernie Sanders is a Commie, a punk and a puke ♦ All this and more in the first of the OUTLAW SERIES

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Follow That LARRY SHOW on Twitter

Episode 167: Commandments 2.0 (Sinners’ Sunday #50)


What’s God’s real name? ● What is evil made of? ● What 4,000 year-old protection has been taken from us by “Secular Guardians?” ● Which 4 words can replace all 10 Commandments? ● What will future archaeologists call the 21st Century? ● What is the key to your own peace? ● All this and more in Brother Larry’s 50th Sinners’ Sunday!

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel hotline: 302-71-larry

Come back Tuesday for the first in a new series, THE OUTLAWS

Episode 166: Nightmare in Paradise


Tips that make you scam-proof The Fyre Festival – exclusively for morons How anybody could have known the Fyre Festival was doomed from the start The difference between Positive Thinking and Magical Thinking (one is for imbeciles!) What “social influencers” really are How to spot any scam The thing that destroys logic This episode can save your life!

The Official Fyre Festival Scam Video

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Follow That LARRY SHOW on Twitter

Join the FACEBOOK group

Episode 165: from Incel to Stud in 3 E-Z Steps!


Your 3-step Stud Transformation ♣ WTF is GALentine’s Day? ♣ Is PALentine’s day next? ♣ What’s a hostage holiday and why is Valentine’s Day the scariest? ♣ Larry creates the perfect Valentine’s Day card ♣ Ways your wife or girlfriend will kill you ♣ What’s the worst place to date or break up? ♣ The riskiest thing you will ever do ♣ Why you need to keep anti-freeze in a safe ♣ All this and more in this spectacular Valentine’s Day episode.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Dojo – 302-71-larry

Follow That LARRY SHOW on Twitter

Episode 164: Meet Satan (Sinners’ Sunday #49)


PROOF that Jesus would have drowned Andrew Cuomo ■ Why Andrew Cuomo is Satan ■ Why Hitler was more honest than Cuomo ■ The Mussolini Treatment and why Cuomo deserves it ■ When prayer is NOT the answer ■ What is the bloodiest sport of all? ■ All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #49. Eat it, Cuomo!

Support Sinners Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Chapel: 302-71-Larry


Bonus Episode 25: Larry Unloads


The new COPSPEAK: Gimme your license and access to your ass ♦ What NEVER to say to a cop ♦ What sentences piss Larry off more than any others ♦ Why UBER is shit and must be destroyed ♦ Why UBER’s CEO is shit, too ♦ Why Syracuse, N.Y. is shitWhy Deming, New Mexico is shit ♦ The words that will keep you out of jail ♦ Discover the BULLET FEE and how it’s a part of U.S. law enforcement Get BOTH barrels in this RANTastic episode!

What makes a bonus episode a bonus episode? Well, these are the episodes for the folks that care enough about this show to support it. And I appreciate that, so bonus episodes get more thought, more effort, more polish and more of me – than regular ones.

In this one, I really do unload on things that piss me off to homicidal levels. Like when people are treated like criminals when they are not. Which is ALL of us, every time we take a commercial flight and are criminalized – groped, wanded, body scanned by surly people wearing blue latex gloves. Those fucking gloves have become emblematic of a protected class of people who can pretty much do whatever they want without concern of job loss or even reprimand.

What do I mean? Well have a look at this video.


Then have a look at this video

N. J. Cops administer roadside prostate exam

And it’s not just government. Now, corporations that we pay are also doing powerplays Like UBER – which is reporting people for drugs.

Listen to the episode and find out what it’s all about.

And then get pissed. Very pissed.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the dojo: 302-71-Larry