Episode 160: Larry Slashes Gillette


Gillette wants your balls… OFF! How the War on Men is heating up Bro culture vs. Sis culture ♦ Bezos’ bimbo ruins him with “Toxic Femininity” ♦ How cultural taxidermists are making men into stuffed trophies ♦ Why the Apocalypse is men’s’ only hedge against extinction ♦ Psychology junk science from junkies ♦ Larry shreds Gillette and man-haters as never before!

Join the Take No Shit dojo and help Larry save MANkind!

Follow That LARRY SHOW (and his war with Gillette) on Twitter

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call Larry: 302-71-Larry

Episode 159: The Place That Bullsh*t Built


Larry’s family road trip to the town built on bullshit ♦ How to re-arrange your chakrasAliens, monsters, vortexes – which do you believe in? ♦ The hoaxing broad who fooled millions ♦ What happened at the 1987 Harmonic Convergence?Who is Larry’s spirit guide? ♦ Death in a sweat box – the $10,000 spiritual journey! ♦ All this and more in this milestone episode of that Larry Show

Once in a while, you just have to get out of Dodge. Especially when Dodge is Los Angeles, a city so fucked up, the mayor is the son of the moron who could not convict O.J. Simpson.

Off we went, due East to Sedona, Arizona. Do you have any idea how much crap 3 females pack for a 5-day trip? A shitload. Like a steamer trunk, just for cosmetics and hair care products. Away we went, 500 miles, stopping only for gasoline and whizzing. Note: Arizona rest area toilets are way, WAY cleaner than their California counterparts. So grab a mop and pail and get the fuck busy, Governor Gavin Newsom, you feckless Commie fuck. I’m not paying you to pick your nose up there in Suckramento, asshat.

Sedona is weird, beautiful and stupid. Everyone is clad in either Columbia Sportswear ensembles or Cochise-wear. Those who sport either are equally annoying. The Columbia Sportswear fuckballs are Sierra Club Nazis who think gum wrappers are like Ebola you can see. The Cochiseys think they could track a wolverine over running water or shape shift into an invisible puma. They’re usually doctors or accountants, but they’re still morons.

Loiter anywhere in Sedona and within 20 minutes, somebody will tell you they see shadow people or orbs. If you feign interest, they’ll go on to tell you 911 was an inside job and it was done with sound waves. If you’re still listening, they’ll tell you they can bi-locate. I asked one if she knew alleged bi-locator Padre Pio. She did not.

I have a major problem. I like good scenery. Which is why, many years ago, I left monochromatic, filthy, dank New York for pastel and sunny Los Angeles. Here, I am surrounded by imbeciles who think they are actors, screenwriters and “film-makers.” When I’ve had enough of their nonsense, I should head for someplace where folks are more… cerebral. But all those places look like shit. So I drive 500 miles for more great scenery and shape-shifting fucktards in Billy Jack hats.

What’s a Billy Jack hat? This:

That’s a dead actor named Tom Laughlin who made one of the most unwatchable movies ever, Billy Jack. He played a Navajo martial artist. As convincingly as Elizabeth Warren plays whatever the hell Indian she claims to be. But I digress. That hat pretty much screams “I got brain damage.” Lots of idiots wear hats like that around Sedona.

The town is paved with bullshit. Bullshit stores selling faux Indian art and turquoise bracelets and rings to complement the I got brain damage hats. Aura photography studios. Crystal healing clinics. Energy balancing emporiums. Chakra adjustment centers. Medicine wheels. What’s a medicine wheel? I know one when I see one, and so will you after you view this daffy broad doing her medicine wheel rattle-dance. Makes me want to shape shift into Ted Bundy and tear her arm off at the shoulder.



If anyone knows of a town in America where they don’t wear Billy Jack hats and have read a book other than Harry fucking Potter and there’s no snow (EVER) and it’s not a congested, grimy shithole, please let me know. I want to visit.

Now enjoy this episode. Presenting a town truly built by bullshit – Sedona, Arizona.

BTW, Sinners’ Sunday will now post on first and third Sundays.

See you next Tuesday (or so.)

Follow That Larry Show on Twitter

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Support that Larry Show

Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 158: Are Rituals for Schmucks? (Sinners’ Sunday #47)


Simon Sez rituals that make us jerks ♦ What you can learn about religion from the Wizard of Oz ♦ The real reason religions invent rules and regulations ♦ Do your clothing, diet and body positions trigger God? ♦ What can you learn about rituals from sun-bathing ♦ Why Moses’ original 10 was sufficient ♦ WISE UP, with Sinners’ Sunday!

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Chapel hot-line: 302-71-Larry

Episode 157: Best of Larry, 2018


Words Commies use to control you ♦ Why danger is better than safety ♦ The greatest fish story is about BIRDS ♦ Death by selfie ♦ The war on men/boys ♦ The war on strip joints ♦ ChiComs on Mexican radio ♦ Under Armour’s punk CEO and his war on fun ♦ Hollywood’s Walk of Feces ♦ The vintage T-Bird driving, pointy desert femme who ensorcelled Larry ♦ Warping time with Larry ♦ All this and more, in The Best of Larry, 2018.

Support That LARRY SHOW

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Take No Shit Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 156: The Getaway: The Christmas Story You Never Heard (Sinners’ Sunday #46)


On the run with Joe, Mary & little J.C. – the untold Christmas story ▲ King Herod, a punk’s punk ▲ What’s a Coptic Christian and what do they know that others don’t? ▲ 26 places in Egypt where they hid out ▲ Genocide, the sport of kings ▲ Are politicians any different now?

All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #46

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Chapel hot-line: 302-71-larry

Bonus Episode 24: Larry’s New Year’s Anxieties


Why New Year’s sux ▲ How to improve yours ▲ Dealing with New Year’s parties and party chix ▲ WTF does GALA mean? ▲ Why New Year’s is better in Barbados ▲ God’s electric New Year’s Chariot ▲ Why Times Square is a portal of hell ▲ The 3 ingredients in magic ▲ Why Larry has always hated New Year’s and always will!

Here we are, a scant few hours before the most dreaded holiday of the year. Why do we give a shit? It’s just another box on the calendar. But at every stage of our lives, there’s another reason to obsess over it. In childhood, it’s the mystery of it all. Surely with all the noise and music and dancing and vomiting all those adults must know something really BIG is about to happen, right!?!?

In the unattached adult years, there’s tremendous pressure to have a date for New Year’s Eve. It must surely be a big revenue night for hookers. Do lonely women pay men to accompany them to New Year’s parties? Probably not. They sit home and eat Chunky Monkey and watch chick flicks. Unless they’re hookers.

For those who are coupled, there’s even more bullshit. If you’ve been dating 12 or 18 months or more, a milestone day like New Year’s forces the question: “where is this relationship going?” And if the answer doesn’t contain the word “commitment,” he’s in for a shit storm followed by a speedy adios.

For more settled types, New Year’s is a chance to put on your glad rags and act like… the idiot you were before you were married.

I hate New Year’s Eve. Been sleeping through them for years. They’re for amateurs.

Ever since I was 5 or 6 years old and finally got the chance to stay up past midnight and actually experience New Year’s, I’ve known it was a hollow and worthless holiday.

In this episode, I vividly recount that very night and how I spent hours staring at a big, blue star pinned to the church steeple across the street. It soothed my sense of disppointment.

I loved that star so much, I built one myself, and here it is.


The only one like it in the world. Beats the shit out of that Grinch inflatable from Home Depot, doesn’t it?





I’ll see you tomorrow for Sinners’ Sunday with Mary & Joe’s big getaway, and again on Tuesday, the first day of 2019. Come back and hang with me.

Support That LARRY SHOW

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 155: Larry’s Christmas Special, 2018


My Christmas gift to you.

Listen. With the kids, if you like.

Merry Christmas and God Bless us, everyone!

Support That LARRY SHOW

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call Larry: 302-71-Larry

Episode 154: Beating the Christmas Blues (Sinners’ Sunday #45)


The pandemic you may be part of ▲ Who are the human foot baths? ▲ When does quality always trump quantity? ▲ What’s the fastest fix for loneliness? ▲ Where can you be an instant rock star while you build good karma? ▲ What’s a Chreaster? ▲ Where to go this Christmas for your mental/spiritual health ▲ All this and more in CHRISTMAS 2018 Sinners’ Sunday

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel hot-line: 302-71-Larry

Episode 153: Christmas in Hell


Surviving Christmas ▲ Why are you likely to DIE on Christmas Eve? Yuletide gift traps to avoid Christmas gets a new name: STRESSMAS ▲ Larry’s Holiday dinner with wine-throwing psychos ▲ What to give your girlfriend so she’ll dump you ▲ What is war-core fashion and why is it so stupid?Gifts women hate ▲ Stupid questions future in-laws ask at Christmas time

That Larry Show Patreon

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Take No Shit Dojo – 302-71-Larry

Episode 152: How the IRS Nearly Killed Christmas (Sinners’ Sunday #44)


How government nearly killed Christmas ● Joe & Mary’s 65-mile trek through the desert – why? ● Were the Romans more evil than the IRS?● How NOTHING has changed in 2,000 years ● JC’s 2-part mission ● Are humans good or evil? – the FINAL answer! ●Ancient times were not very primitive ● All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #44

Help Sinners’ Sunday grow

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel hotline: 302-71-Larry