Episode 105: Scared of the Future


Flirting with death in the desert ● F**kin’ with fate ● Time traveling with Larry ● Where YOU can buy a Time Warp Detector ● What’s behind the secret wooden door in the desert? ● A scorpion takes revenge on Larry ● Fun in the Nevada Proving Grounds ● Meet a “paranormal researcher” ● All this and MORE in this time-warping adventure!

How do you ignore a story that says “Man discovers time warp.” Oh, the anticipation! Why? Because if it’s real and legit and not a hoax, well, that means… what? Life do-overs? Everybody gets a ticket back to the future?

Cars and planes and boats are handy and fun, but really, we’re all just like fish in a tank. The only way we ever really leave the tank is feet first. But with a time warp, maybe there’s time travel and… who knows?

So, you follow the story and see a video. And first thing you see is a nice-looking news chick with a huge rack. Here she is.

So far, so good. Then, you see him. Then you hear him. And what you’re hearing, though spoken with conviction and authority, is as nutty as someone talking about the Easter Bunny with conviction and authority.

Here’s the video from the local TV station. time warp near vegas

Like the famed Jerry McGuire line, you had me at hello, he lost me at “UFO” and “Black Hole.” Not that those things might not exist. They may. But odds are, he won’t be detecting them with the Differential Time Meter. Which is this thing. You can get one here, on Ebay for $219. 






What does it look like to you? Reminds me of this digital pedometer – only $1.79 from AliExpress.




More important than how Joshua Warren found the time warp is where he found it. In the desert near Las Vegas. Since Vegas is a portal of hell, that does add a luster to the story. But it also foreshadows its dubious nature. Los Angeles is the city of big, silly dreams. But for some, those dreams do materialize along with great wealth. Vegas is the city of small, silly dreams. How many people ever get wealthy at a blackjack table or roulette wheel or slot machine?

Nonetheless, the Differential Time Meter is a lot of fun. And I would so like to be proven wrong in my appraisal of it.

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See you at Sinners’ Sunday.

Episode 104: The Power of the “F” Word (Sinners’ Sunday #20)


What’s the new F-word? ● How to harness its power ● Why is JC cooler than his old man? ● What was the source of his power? ● How can you tap into extraordinary power? ● How do you beat fear? ● How did JC kick back after performing miracles? ● Was his power limitless or did he know fatigue? ● This episode will change your life.

Support Sinners’ Sunday Ministry

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call Brother Larry: 302-71-Larry

Bonus Episode 18: Suicide by Chick – 5 Ways to Survive


Whether you are looking for love, think you are in love or were in love and are now in loathe with your significant other, this episode can and will save your life. Don’t miss it.

6 words of dating advice that will save you from catastrophe ● Why you should date your future mother-in-law ● What is the Tiger Protocol and how can it save your life? ● What do those “love-of-my-life” posts really mean? ● What is the Rubicon of relationship sustainability? ● Dating red flags for men and women ● How future-gazing your girlfriend can avert disaster ● Larry’s pal who bedded over 500 women (and paid a big price) ● All this and more in this must-listen episode, only at patreon.com/thatlarryshow

Episode 103: Larry’s Psycho Circus


How to ID a secret psycho ● Where to meet psychos ● The 2,600 hidden sidewalk toilets in Hollywood ● The dead star all living stars hate ● Where does YOUR state rank, psycho-wise? ● Are you a psycho ready to snap? ● Why Silence of the Lambs is the dumbest movie ever ● Who describes Hollywood better, Hunter Thompson or Larry? ● All this and more in this all-psycho, all-the-time episode.

Psychos get a bad rap, don’t they? If not for their victims, they’d be heros. They provide a level of entertainment you can’t buy anywhere at any price.

Everywhere we look is putrid dreck. Braying, teleprompter-reading asshats on TV and social media. Cat videos. Latte swirls. Here’s what I’m eating now pictures. I’m checking in safe notifications – nobody gives a fuck! Emojis. Inspirational memes we’ve seen so many times, it makes us bleed from our eyeballs. Twitter twits who have never, EVER had an original thought in their vacuum skulls and post other mindless shit passed along by other mindless fucktards, excreted from the sphincter of some warty-faced meme gnome, probably located in Cuppertino.

The entire media experience is an asshole walking up to you at a party and asking you why did the chicken cross the street. It’s that bad. And Hollyshit? Hey kids! Here’s Star Wars 27! Jurassic 15! Fast & Furious 9! 

Once every few decades, salvation. Deep in the rotting brain of some miscreant, there is an almost imperceptible pop – the sound of a pin dropping. Which creates a chain reaction in his mind – and though the nuerosynaptic cacophony he hears kill now, again, again – and presto, we are delivered from the mundane. A story we can sink our teeth into the way Jeffrey Dahmer sank his teeth into the shins of his dates. Post mortem.

If there were no serial killers, we’d have to invent some. They are the media equivalent of the ice – bucket challenge or a stinging face-slap.

Your cat video? It’s stupid and boring! Look at this psycho from Milwaukee with 17 dismembered bodies marinating in 55gallon blue plastic barrels! THIS is entertainment!

Maybe psychos and serial killers are the dividing line between those we people we like and those we avoid. Maybe do you find psychos and serial killers amusing?” should be the paramount – or maybe even the ONLY question on job interviews, dating apps, and presidential debates.

Some guy at SMU cooked up a study ranking the states by concentration of psychos. Of course, Washington DC was the winner, which makes perfect sense. Politicians are all psychos – but the boring kind. They lack the creativity to fill blue barrels with bodies so they just line their pockets with our money instead. They have no innate power, so they derive it from their chicken-shit commitees comprised of other simmering, low-energy psychos who band together to… legislate. To be clear, I have more respect for Gacy, Dahmer and Manson that most politicians. Serial killers destroy others but die in jail. They pay a price. Politicians destroy everything and live to be ancient on outrageous pensions. Fuck them.

In this episode, I also go off Hollywood – the neighborhood and the industry. Both are filled with psychos.

We also take a stroll down the Hollywood walk of fame. Which is the world’s largest open air toilet. Every day, druggies and derelicts are shitting on every TV, movie and recording star in the universe. And that’s a good thing, as Martha Stewart would say. As far as I know, she does not have a star on the walk. But if/when she does, somebody will take a dump on it.

All the stars on the Walk of Fame are meaningless, because they can be bought, as this photo proves.

And really, who wants one anyway. You want a memorial? Nothing beats Al Jolson’s which can be seen by every car on the 405 freeway and every plane flying in and out of LAX. That’s lasting fame. That’s big time.

Here’s a video of it. I have no idea who the people are in it. I wonder if they know who they are.


Next up, a kick-ass BONUS episode. Since this one is being downloaded like crazy, the next one will take up where this one leaves off – “Psycho Bitches From Hell.” Coming within days on this page.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo for bonus episodes, early access, signed books, downloadable books, custom recordings and more. Click here

Write to me at thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Check out over a hundred original episode thumbnails at instagram.com/thatlarryshow

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And Facebook.

Call the Dojo at 302-71-Larry


Episode 102: How Cool is Your Supreme Being?


JC – a 007- style savior The man, the mission, the crew = box-office gold! What do we most want out of stories? Yes, JC liked weapons – he even made one himself! Why Greek and Roman gods were doomed from the start If JC came back tomorrow, would he call in a missile strike? All this and more!

Support the Sinners’ Sunday Ministry 

Email your thoughts/comments/requests: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Leave a voice mail: 302-71-larry

Follow the show on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Episode 101: Episode 100 Party – Open House at the Dojo


When it’s good to be hated ● How That Larry Show was born ● How Larry came to be America’s Dad ● Guest appearances by Dick Masterson, Sean, Asterios, Kian, Kimball, Nick the Knife and more! ● Podcast formats that should be outlawed ● Achieving self-mastery – the ultimate triumph ● Demolishing your self-made speed bumps ● How Dick Masterson almost got Larry killed ● How episodes of this show changed lives ● All this and more!!!

Episode 100: Hello, Daddy.


How Eddie Van Halen delivered my kid The 21– year+ Daddy crap-shoot ● Larry’s throw-down in the delivery roomWhat did Larry’s wife scream during labor? ● How to re-write your birth certificate ● The Ob/Gyn to the stars ● Fatherhood: is it right for you?All this and more in the 2018 Fathers Day Spectacular!

Episode 99: MAGA Man vs. Little Rocket Man


Kim Jong Un’s favorite hooker dishes more embarrassing dirt on him • Why Commies suck – explained • The Singapore Summit – why it’s fake and what it’s really about • Why the hive mentality is doomed • How Larry wiped out a wasp nest and is still laughing • Why Communism’s real name is “gimme-what-you-gotism” • What insects say as they die • All this and MORE!!!

Episode 98: Who’s Driving Your Train?


Why Jesus wants you to shoot masked punksLarry sings and picks bluegrass guitar! † How to enjoy your life’s railway † When is your last stop?How to make yourself fireproof † What you should always stop at tank towns † Why some people are walking Frito bags and you should avoid them † Why Noah’s ark is a non-story † All this and MORE!!!

Episode 97: Badged Buffoons


Why 1- word job titles rule What’s wrong with Flint, Michigan? Why you should avoid FBI dancers Wildwood, N.J. – Come for the beach, stay for the beating! Translating police radio chatter How to make any meaninglless job sound important Unsafe gun handling 101• Fun hoaxes and how to perpetrate them • Why Bigfoot believers should shut up • All this and more!

(Alleged) Police impostors have been hoaxing Flint, Michigan cops, Firemen and Park Rangers for 3 years! 3 Years? Yes. 3 years! 

Wow. Are they criminal masterminds?

You be the judge.

Alleged cop impostors/hoaxers.







This just in from Wildwood, N.J.

To Protect and Serve.








You’ve all seen the Wildwood story. Fucking disgusting.



Jackholes who bray the above phrase may want to re-think those words  after watching this fucking moron.

Here’s a dancin’ fool who proves that guns, booze and back-flips just don’t mix. It was not easy to find this video without this moron’s face blurred out. Why? Would would just another asshole, behaving like an asshole, get his face shielded by every major news organization? Is he somebody important? Well hell, yeah, he’s an agent in the Federal Bureau of Idiocy. The agency whose name is whspered by some as supreme, cutting edge and beyond reproach.

He dances (like a moron.) He back-flips (barely). He drops his gun. He picks it up.  BY THE TRIGGER!!!!! He shoots somebody.

Will he be arrested? No. Denver PD just handed him over to an FBI stupor-visor. Will he face consequences for shooting somebody – as ANY OTHER FUCKING CITIZEN WOULD? No. Because he’s a member of the protected class. Will he lose his job? No. If they fired him, that would indicate that 1) FBI wonks are not pefect like the actors portraying them on Quantico and 2) a government agency might be wrong and not all-powerful, and as we see again and again, the goverment is NEVER wrong!

What do I mean? Read on:

Remember this one from Witchita last December? Watch the video.

There are good cops. And then there is the chicken shit little punk who killed Andrew Finch, a 28-year-old father of two who died because he answered his door. The cop remains nameless, of course, but he was found guiltless because, well, he had a feeling Finch was dangerous. No charges. You did good, son, says the City of Witchita.

Thank you for your service, Officer Shit-bag.

Here’s the Witchita Deputy Chief of Police who took ZERO responsibility for the incompetence of his team of armor-clad SWAT pussies. His name is Troy Livingston and he’s not really a cop. He’s a punk. And a liar.








And then there’s this uniformed politician below. 17 dead on his watch and he’ll never be fired or even disciplined.


These badged buffoons are not only killing innocent people, they’re making America hate all cops. All cops are not like the assholes above. Some are damned good people. I know several.

But more good cops need to start calling the assholes assholes, or this problem will only worsen.

Stop protecting assholes!