Episode 87: Give Me Danger!


Danger, why we need it! • Why safety is over-rated • Why America is obese • Who are the Helmet People? • Are you one of them? • How Larry was almost killed in Paris • The smarter investment than Bitcoin • Why most safety is really about Kontrol • What is Danger Day and why will it be better than Christmas? • The soundtrack of 21st Century America – revealed • All this and more in this dangerous episode!

Episode 86: How to Make Your Own Heaven on Earth (Sinners’ Sunday #12)


How to make your heaven on earth What’s 1400 square miles with a 200 foot wall? • Why was Larry riding a white turkey? • What 6-letter word usually means hell on earth? • Why should you start a family? • What vehicle will you drive in the afterlife? • Truth, the who not the what • All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #12!

Episode 85: Avoiding Court, Relationships and Starbucks


Why I hate Starbucks • When your best friend marries a disaster • The loudmouth judge we love to loathe • Why nobody should be called “your honor • Accessing the autonomic tone in your brain that can save your life • Marital happiness – the odds are revealed • The voice that can kill you • The barista Larry nearly decked • All this and more!

Episode 84: Doubting With Tom (Sinners’ Sunday #11)


BS radar, how to develop it • Who is Braco the Gazer? • What C-word do liars love to use? • The bullsh*t pipeline — how to cap it before it drowns you • What are the weapons of good and evil?Why Doubting Thomas should be YOUR role-model • All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #11.

So here we are – Sunday night in late April 2018 and the world just gets more stupid by the minute.

Presenting BRACO the GAZER.

In episode 73, Killing Pissants for Jesus, we took a look at some other spiritual charlatans – Daddy Grace, Father Divine and Benny Hinn – but whether anyone bought into their bullshit or not, they all delivered something EVERY preacher (myself included) has a duty to deliver… entertainment. But Braco doesn’t do a fucking thing. He walks out on stage and just stares at everyone with his Basset Hound face… and… they… LOVE IT!

Which proves that at any given time on this spinning sphere, there are MILLIONS of imbeciles just begging to be fleeced, conned, led astray, bamboozled and humiliated.

Watch the Braco promo video. And then never EVER wonder again how Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Bernie Madoff were able to do what they did. The people – the idiot people – spoke, and those monsters simply responded.

Now gaze at this.


That’s Braco’s cousin, Braco Lee. I may tour with him later this year. Not sure if we’ll gaze at anybody. Maybe we’ll just dip him in Bleu Cheese and hand him out like communion.

Then there was Tommy the Doubter, the only apostle that got his own sub-name, like Peter “the Rock.” Tommy earned his nickname. He demanded to see JC’s wounds and JC accomodated him. Peter, on the other hand, was a mushy rock. He denied JC on the night he was captured and also sank like a rock when he tried to walk on water like JC.

In my book, Tommy trumps Petey.

Folks, know this. Sinner’s Sunday is the ONLY ministry on earth that is not full of shit. So support it here.

Write to me at thatlarryshow@gmail.com

See you Tuesday.

Bonus Episode 16: Larry vs the Killer Pimp, Part 2


Jon Benet murder SOLVED! Adios Art Bell The cop that saved Larry’s life (and almost killed him) When is a man ready for fatherhood? Is stepping in dog shit good luck? Backmasked recordings – Satanic or silly? • Are kids worth the trouble? • Commies, elitists, bureaucrats and procedurists – why they’re all the same and they’re all shit • All this and more, in the exciting conclusion of episode 83 – ONLY on Patreon!

Episode 83: Larry vs the Killer Pimp, Part One


A killer pimp, gun play and street racing • RIP R. Lee Ermey, the anti-soy boy • Who is Mickey Mouse Mattis and why is he a punk? • Does stepping in dog-sh*t really bring good luck? • What celebrity deaths made Larry smile? • Why the biggest enemy of free speech is the Pentagon • All this and more in this kick-ass 2-part episode!

Episode 82: Hookers & Holymen (Sinners’ Sunday #10)


Serving Sacred SleazeDid Jesus hang out with hookers? • The holy sh*t storm • How tight is too tight for a hug? • What happened to Jimmy Swaggart at the no-tell motel? • How to let God spin YOUR sexual misconduct scandal • What did the Tasmanian Devil make the preacher do? All this and MORE!!!

Episode 81: The Pizza Incident


Underage drinking with Larry • The rest of the pizzeria story from Episode 80 • The cool cop you’d like to know (and drink with) • What goes into the DMV “shopping cart?” • Larry disses: Coward County Sheriff, Gov. Jerry Brown and the Kalifornia bureaucracy • Why political dynasties ALWAYS spell disaster • When your gubmint assaults you • All this and more – dig in!

In 5th grade, I was swilling beer and scarfing pizza during lunch in The Little Villa Restaurant in Queens, on a school day. With my pals Dennis (the altar boy) and Rocky (the transfer from Flatbush.) How many kids today can say that? None. Its great to have accomplishments that are utterly unique and can never be replicated by anyone. (Everest is for copycat nitwits. Be original or be gone.)

Lunch was going great – we were filling our bellies and catching a buzz – until a cop walked in. What happened next? Listen to the episode.

I feel so sorry for kids today. They live the life of a veal. Trapped in boxes, for their safety. No sodas at school, weekly lock-downs, body cavity searches, metal detectors, transparent backpacks.

When I was in grammar school, only Heidi and Pippi Longstocking used back packs. Men carried gym bags like knuckle heads or briefcases like Don Draper or 007. And to be honest, unless hiking, or traveing, any male over the age of 12 wearing a back pack looks like a fucking moron. And if he’s 21+ wearing a backpack with his business suit, he looks like a double moron and a bucket of assholes. I have spoken.

And speaking of assholes, Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is still employed. Think about that. Nixon resigned over a trifling break-in. Clinton was impeached over a BJ. Sheriff Scott is partially responsible for 17 deaths and he’s not going anywhere.

Shortly after the massacre, here’s what the Broward Twitter page was. Tone deaf? Holy shit.

As of this writing, Sheriff Monkey-Boi is all in for Autism Awareness. He should have hung himself in his basement. Instead, he’s the biggest attention whore in the sunshine state and still touting his “amazing leadership.”

Here’s the new Twitter image. Pathetic.

It’s very late in the City of Angels. Maybe I’ll add more to this manana.


PS- Will somebody PLEASE fire that asshole?



Episode 80: Devil Popes (Sinners’ Sunday #9)


How sleazy were Devil Popes? Who were they? Which was the ulcerated sodomist? How did Larry drink beer in a restaurant in 5th grade? Did he get busted? What are Chreasters, CEOs and submarines? • How to buy a “Get Out of Hell Pass”All this and MORE!!!


Episode 79: The Moron Parade


Battling group think What is buck lure and how can it win the war on men? • Fighting morons in the street, at home and at work • What’s the most dangerous animal in the nation? • Other names morons call themselves • People who should be eaten by predators • People who should be fed to wood chippersMoron count: Toronto vs. Los Angeles • All this and more in the all-moron episode!

We’re surrounded by morons. How did this happen? Was it something in the water? Sunspots? Cosmic spores from outer space? Probably not. Commie plot is my best guess. Remember Lenin’s line about “useful idiots?” Those useful idiots add up quick and now there are armies of them like insects, whose sole purpose in life is to follow somebody – ANYBODY – and then make (or at least carry) crappy placards, banners and posters and march in parades and protests and sit cross-legged and get outraged and chant stupid shit. Usually stupid shit chants begin with WHAT DO WE WANT or 2,4,6,8!

BUT, morons are still morons, so they need a little help, even with stupid shit chants. There’s actually a blog/website (I won’t link to it – you’ll have to duckduckgo.com it in your own.) What’s duckduckgo? It’s a way better search engine than soyboi/sjw Commie run Google. It does not track you or archive your searches or sell your data. So let’s start a chant… hey-ho yay-yo …for-get Google and duck duck go!) Catchy, right?

As I was saying, some yutz has a blog with hundreds of chants for every occasion, and nearly all of them are Commie causes. And in his blurry brain, he accepts advertising on his blog, flouting those Commie precepts. But hypocrisy is a moron trait just like chanting.

So this episode has a cold-open with some morons in Toronto protesting in front of some guy’s restaurant because he serves meat. And they think that’s b-a-a-a-d. In admirable Take No Shit retaliation, he carves up a deer leg in his front window, just to fritz out their brain circuits. And it works pretty well. Because as much as morons like to chant about “change” they tend not to handle it very well. When others do not react as they demand (another big moron word – they’re always demanding stuff) or expect, they flip out. And it’s always funny to watch.

Here’s a link to the Toronto carnivore protest I parse in this episode. (Just so you know I’m not making anything up.)

In this episode, we look at three venues where morons operate – in-person protest morons, social media morons and workplace morons. What’s the common thread? Hive mentality. Group think. They want, no DEMAND that everyone be exactly like they are. THEY are vegan, so YOU must be vegan. THEY love and protect predator coyotes. YOU must love and protect predator coyotes. THEY use Internet Explorer, so YOU must use Internet Xxplorer. And after they scream and demand and chant that we all eat the same and vote the same and think the same and chant the same… they celebrate diversity.

How do we stop morons? With truth and brutal ridicule. Gloves-off, cut-to-the-bone mocking. That’s how morons were kept in their place for millennia.

Want to save the world? Mock a moron – into tears, an aneurysm or spontaneous combustion – TODAY.

Click this link and get one of the greatest moron-mocking books ever written – RECYCLE THIS!

It so brutally mocks enviro-frauds and their moron minions, the publisher deemed it TOO HOT TO PUBLISH and killed it. But, like my co-author, nuke-powered dead-man Johnny Glo-Skull – the book is immortal and CANNOT DIE.

Along with the book, you’ll get access to fantastic bonus episodes and eligibility to have your Take No Shit challenge addressed by me or one of my many senseis here at the Take No Shit Dojo.

Write to me at thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Or voice mail us at 302-71-larry. If it rocks, I’ll include it in a show.

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See you this weekend for Sinners’ Sunday – the new kick-ass spin-off show.

Take No Shit!