Bonus Episode 21: Going Home, Pt. 1. Plus: The Dojo Honor Roll


You Can’t Go Home Again — true or false? This 2-part story might also be titled, be careful what you wish for. In episode 15 – Larry’s Road Trip to Destiny, he chronicled how a vacation at age 18 changed the trajectory of his life. Near dusk on a desert road in the Southwest, the he heard the siren call “Go West.”

It took a bunch of years until he made the move. Once he finally found himself on the left coast, the culture shock and homesickness turned out to be an unexpected gut punch of astonishing power.

If you’re thinking about a move to another time zone, this is your episode.

Who keeps this show going? The Patrons, that’s who.  In this episode, each and every one is thanked for their support and encouragement.

And let me repeat it here. Thank you!