Bonus Episode 25: Larry Unloads


The new COPSPEAK: Gimme your license and access to your ass ♦ What NEVER to say to a cop ♦ What sentences piss Larry off more than any others ♦ Why UBER is shit and must be destroyed ♦ Why UBER’s CEO is shit, too ♦ Why Syracuse, N.Y. is shitWhy Deming, New Mexico is shit ♦ The words that will keep you out of jail ♦ Discover the BULLET FEE and how it’s a part of U.S. law enforcement Get BOTH barrels in this RANTastic episode!

What makes a bonus episode a bonus episode? Well, these are the episodes for the folks that care enough about this show to support it. And I appreciate that, so bonus episodes get more thought, more effort, more polish and more of me – than regular ones.

In this one, I really do unload on things that piss me off to homicidal levels. Like when people are treated like criminals when they are not. Which is ALL of us, every time we take a commercial flight and are criminalized – groped, wanded, body scanned by surly people wearing blue latex gloves. Those fucking gloves have become emblematic of a protected class of people who can pretty much do whatever they want without concern of job loss or even reprimand.

What do I mean? Well have a look at this video.

Then have a look at this video

N. J. Cops administer roadside prostate exam

And it’s not just government. Now, corporations that we pay are also doing powerplays Like UBER – which is reporting people for drugs.

Listen to the episode and find out what it’s all about.

And then get pissed. Very pissed.

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Call the dojo: 302-71-Larry