Episode 169: Maga Man vs Little Rocket Man, Round 2


Kim’s loose-lipped girlfriend is back and tells ALL! ● What is HUCOW & Bronco buster? ● What do HE-MAN and SHE-RA have to do with Kim Jong Un? ● The 5 words Trump could say to Kim that would make him disarm ● How Bloomberg’s anti-self defense “culture of compliance” wants to control YOU! ● The difference between cooperation and compliance ● Words Commies use to control you ● Update on United Airlines passenger beat-down.

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Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Episode 168: The Outlaw John McAfee


Is John McAfee the last outlaw? ♦ Why are outlaws an endangered species? ♦ What is the quintessential element of the outlaw persona? ♦ What’s a meat parade and where can you see one? ♦ Who are the greatest outlaws in sports, fiction and more? ♦ What made Joe Namath a heretic? ♦ Why weekend warriors are all phony punks ♦ What single attribute USED to make a man a man but has been outlawed? ♦ Why Bernie Sanders is a Commie, a punk and a puke ♦ All this and more in the first of the OUTLAW SERIES

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

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Episode 167: Commandments 2.0 (Sinners’ Sunday #50)


What’s God’s real name? ● What is evil made of? ● What 4,000 year-old protection has been taken from us by “Secular Guardians?” ● Which 4 words can replace all 10 Commandments? ● What will future archaeologists call the 21st Century? ● What is the key to your own peace? ● All this and more in Brother Larry’s 50th Sinners’ Sunday!

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel hotline: 302-71-larry

Come back Tuesday for the first in a new series, THE OUTLAWS

Episode 166: Nightmare in Paradise


Tips that make you scam-proof The Fyre Festival – exclusively for morons How anybody could have known the Fyre Festival was doomed from the start The difference between Positive Thinking and Magical Thinking (one is for imbeciles!) What “social influencers” really are How to spot any scam The thing that destroys logic This episode can save your life!

The Official Fyre Festival Scam Video

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

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Episode 165: from Incel to Stud in 3 E-Z Steps!


Your 3-step Stud Transformation ♣ WTF is GALentine’s Day? ♣ Is PALentine’s day next? ♣ What’s a hostage holiday and why is Valentine’s Day the scariest? ♣ Larry creates the perfect Valentine’s Day card ♣ Ways your wife or girlfriend will kill you ♣ What’s the worst place to date or break up? ♣ The riskiest thing you will ever do ♣ Why you need to keep anti-freeze in a safe ♣ All this and more in this spectacular Valentine’s Day episode.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Dojo – 302-71-larry

Follow That LARRY SHOW on Twitter

Episode 164: Meet Satan (Sinners’ Sunday #49)


PROOF that Jesus would have drowned Andrew Cuomo ■ Why Andrew Cuomo is Satan ■ Why Hitler was more honest than Cuomo ■ The Mussolini Treatment and why Cuomo deserves it ■ When prayer is NOT the answer ■ What is the bloodiest sport of all? ■ All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday #49. Eat it, Cuomo!

Support Sinners Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the Chapel: 302-71-Larry


Bonus Episode 25: Larry Unloads


The new COPSPEAK: Gimme your license and access to your ass ♦ What NEVER to say to a cop ♦ What sentences piss Larry off more than any others ♦ Why UBER is shit and must be destroyed ♦ Why UBER’s CEO is shit, too ♦ Why Syracuse, N.Y. is shitWhy Deming, New Mexico is shit ♦ The words that will keep you out of jail ♦ Discover the BULLET FEE and how it’s a part of U.S. law enforcement Get BOTH barrels in this RANTastic episode!

What makes a bonus episode a bonus episode? Well, these are the episodes for the folks that care enough about this show to support it. And I appreciate that, so bonus episodes get more thought, more effort, more polish and more of me – than regular ones.

In this one, I really do unload on things that piss me off to homicidal levels. Like when people are treated like criminals when they are not. Which is ALL of us, every time we take a commercial flight and are criminalized – groped, wanded, body scanned by surly people wearing blue latex gloves. Those fucking gloves have become emblematic of a protected class of people who can pretty much do whatever they want without concern of job loss or even reprimand.

What do I mean? Well have a look at this video.


Then have a look at this video

N. J. Cops administer roadside prostate exam

And it’s not just government. Now, corporations that we pay are also doing powerplays Like UBER – which is reporting people for drugs.

Listen to the episode and find out what it’s all about.

And then get pissed. Very pissed.

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 163: Unchain Yourself


Why our reality is scarier than The Matrix They are taking your freedom – find out how ■ Why Larry hates Google ■ Why Larry needs govt. permission to buy medicine for his dog ■ WTF is a love contract? ■ Is your employer a cock-blocker? ■ Working 2019: Boss, may I have permission to get laid? ■ Is this the Take Sh*t generation? ■ Larry defines pointy chix – in detail ■ From Mad Men to Compliant Children – how did we get here? ■ Get yourself unchained in this very dangerous episode!

Can you believe The Matrix is 20 years old? How could they even make that movie today – where would they find a pay phone? All that ordnance, all that kung fu, all that testosterone and the screenwriter-brothers, Larry and Andy Wachowski are now the Wachowski sisters, Lana and Lilly. Since they identify as female, I wonder if they’d write a different script? 20 years isn’t too soon for a re-boot. The original was such a gargantuan success, even if the re-boot was shit, the studio would still make a ton just on the curiosity factor.

As nutty as The Matrix was (and I mean that in the good sense) it really was quite prophetic. The blue-pill/red-pill thing has become a political meme, but in the span since film was made, our freedoms have been so depleted that we really are becoming human batteries for a cancerous government metastasizing at an alarming rate. It needs more money, it needs more power, it wants more control, and it’s going to get it. It always does. Soon, California will be taxing cars by miles driven. How will they do that? Easy. They’ll also know where you’re driving as well, so if you’re entertaining any thoughts of knocking over a liquor store or stepping out on your wife at the local cathouse – do it quick.

20 years ago, there was no TSA. Nobody was having their junk groped by blue gloved Sky Guardians, and baggage – not passengers – was getting X-rayed. 20 years from now, we’ll be boarding planes naked and handed our clothes in the jetway upon landing. Hopefully, seats will have those little removable napkins not just at the head-rests, but on the butt-cushions as well. And it will all be in the name of safety. Stupid and cowardly people will do anything to be safe. Anything. But they end up dead anyway. Same as the smart and brave.

A long time ago, President Eisenhower said something about “beware the military industrial complex.” Being a lifelong soldier, he was hip – hip to dreamed up wars, $600 toilet seats, crazy coups, nation-building, et al. Now, not only the military is blowing the government, every major corporation is. So your every prescription drug purchase, booze order, cell call, keystroke is cataloged.

And let’s not forget our new “vere are yoor paypuz?” mentality. Every fucking thing requires a FEDERALLY issued picture, thumbprint and bar-code ID. Except voting. I did that in November and could have told them I was Popeye the Sailor Man and they would not have asked me for so much as a spinach label.

I’m so sick of the ID requests that I have a fake ID and works great. Cashiers look at it and their jaws work but no sound comes out. Then they call a manager. They forget all about asking me for my phone number and if I want to contribute my change to the favorite charity the multi-billion-dollar chain store expects me to support.

Here is my fake ID. What do you think?

In this episode, I also give an overdue an detailed explanation of the term I coined, “Pointy Chick.” As far as I can tell (and I’m no archaeologist) The Egyptians designed pointy women. I was going to post some of their 5,000 year-old art, but it’s all 2-d and profiles. They could build sphinxes and pyramids, but they could not draw a person straight on. So here’s some chick in a Cleopatra costume from Party City. She looks pretty pointy. And authentic.

Is your employer cock-blocking you? Google and Facebook allow their slaves to ask fellow slaves for sex only once. How pathetic. And if she should say “yes,” you are expected to report your romance to HR. In this episode, I have a live recording of some manlet asking HR for permission to screw.

Oh, for the days of Mad Men, when people were expected to get laid at the office. Mad Men are gone, replaced by Compliant Children. Sad.

I’m enlisting your help in finding Jonathan Brandmeier, a once monstrously popular Chicago radio personality who has vanished from the airwaves and the public eye. Turns out my friend Darren O’Neill – host of the always entertaining Randumbthoughts.com podcast – has a bit of a history with Johnny B. We both dig Johnny B., so much that if we can locate him, and he agrees, we’ll both abandon our solo formats to have Johnny as a guest. Together.

If you’ll help us get hold of him, I promise it will be a pisser of an episode.

See you on Patreon for the bonus episode – PART 2 of “UNCHAIN YOURSELF.”

Get Part 2 of this episode here.

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the TNS Dojo: 302-71-Larry

Episode 162: From Face Crime to Doomsday


AOC sez: WE’RE DEAD! Smirk your way to freedomHate crime, hate speech, and now FACE CRIME! Why you need to carry a police whistle ▲ F*ck groups, they’re destroying America ▲ What does your pigeon-hole look/sound like? ▲ Join AOC’s climate change army, get free money, a purpose and an acid-rain parasol (or a plastic, cone-shaped helmet – your choice!) ▲ All this and more in this IN THEIR FACE episode of That LARRY SHOW

Join the Take No Shit Dojo

Write to Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the dojo: 302-71-Larry

Follow That LARRY SHOW on Twitter

Episode 161: Toxic Jesus (Sinners’ Sunday #48)


Larry’s BIG PREDICTION (his last one, Epsiode 149 – was correct!) ▲ JC – STILL most wanted dead by liars and creeps! ▲ JC’s toxic masculinity – how emulating it will make you invincible ▲ The Frankfurt school – the lie factory ▲ The 6 criteria they’ll use to declare JC a toxic man ▲ How big pharma and shrinks are destroying humanity ▲ God’s real name

Support Sinners’ Sunday

Write to Brother Larry: thatlarryshow@gmail.com

Call the chapel @ 302-71-Larry