Truth lives at That LARRY SHOW, a weekly sojourn at the crossroads of madness and enlightenment. With LARRY in your life, you'll Take No Sh*t, and laugh your way to victory.
Newest manufactured fear: death by robots? ■ Which anxiety-taming drug are you on? ■ How Larry’s grandfather lived anxiety – free for 8 decades ■ The difference between anxiety and fear ■ Anxiety – the new normal? ■ Fake news, fake anxieties, fake fixes ■ All that and more, in this nail-biting episode, plus, a preview of Bonus Episode #30!
How Granny’s motto enabled Larry to date a supermodel ♦ Why did he and his date have to take cover in a Chinese restaurant? ♦ Why bench seats are better than bucket seats ♦ Why some chicks like squeaky windshield wipers ♦ The cop that hit a home run inside a restaurant ♦ What’s the minimum down payment on a yacht? ♦ 3 words that will change your life ♦ All this and more in this true story of romance, insanity and violence.
How incarcerated murderers find sexy wives – and you can too! ■ The town where a groom’s execution gets mass approval ■ Soft-core porn wedding traditions ■ Why marriage is her victory/his defeat ■ Dowrys that help women get husbands ■ How primitive tribes separate the men from the wussies ■ Why the bouquet and garter toss customs are moronic ■ All this and more in this deep dive into dangerous love!
Marriage can kill you. Just ask Pranay Perumalla, a handsome, nice Indian dude. Well, you can’t ask him, he’s dead. But you could ask his widow. She married Pranay and her old man was not pleased, because Pranay was of a lower caste. So the father of the bride paid $150,000 to have his son-in-law snuffed. And there’s a shitload of people in their town who are on Dad’s side. Not claiming his innocence; they’re cheering him for doing the right thing.
Is there a battle of the sexes? You bet there is. Put your money – ALL your money – on the female. This T-shirt says it all.
She will triumph over you. You have no chance. Zero. Everything is rigged in her favor. It’s hardly a battle. You wouldn’t call Godzilla versus a Chihuahua a battle, would you? No.
So if you’re contemplating marriage, you better be sure about her. Damn sure. You’ve been warned.
The only way females ever lose conflicts with males is when they self destruct. Like these weird broads.
The Menendez brothers blew their parents’ heads off with shotguns back in the 1990’s. Both are doing life sentences.
Erik married this broad.
Mrs. Erik Menendez
Not bad, is she? Looks like any news chick on Fox or CNN, right?
Why’d she marry a murderer in prison for life? “He wrote nice letters.”
Lyle has had 2 – that’s right TWO wives! While in prison.
This is wife #1, Anna.
She divorced Lyle when she discovered he was pen pals with another woman. How the fuck did she find out? The guy was in prison, for Chrissake!
Below is wife #2 for Lyle, Rebecca.
Are any of these 3 women unattractive? No.
If you’re having trouble meeting women, maybe you need to commit a spectacular double-homicide. It worked for the Menendez brothers.
From minute 7-8, you’ll lose your religion… but you’ll find God ■ Is religion is a game of Simon Sez? ■ What are the 3 pillars of every religion? ■ Which is the only one that really matters? ■ Why do people lose their faith? ■ How to spot Holy Phonies ■ All this and more in this in this milestone episode of Sinners’ Sunday!
What’s the bigger, nightmare story that eclipses Epstein’s death? ▲ What’s the hidden message from Jeffrey Epstein’s killers? ▲ How are most conspiracies uncovered? ▲ Why does the US Government fear conspiracies? ▲ What words are paired with conspiracy to undermine it’s validity? ▲ What two entities most try to discredit proven conspiracyfacts? ▲ How can deploying conspiracies make parenting easier? ▲ The answers are in Episode 205!
How fear is killing America ▲Who/what has been the all-purpose boogey-man of the fear mongers? ▲ What are fear mongers selling?▲ What do fear-mongers want from you? ▲ The future according to Larry: who are the Digis? Who are the ‘Logs? Which are you?▲ Why is Larry afraid of lightning? ▲ What does fear do to facts?▲ How did Neil deGrasse Tyson self-destruct in one Tweet? ▲ Why fear and truth are enemies ▲ Why manifesto-writers should be registered like sex offenders ▲ All this and more in this fearless episode!
What 4-letter word will change your life? ■ Which biblical figures inspired that word? ■ How are those figures’ decisions still affecting our world, 4,000 years later? ■ Which sex (we never say gender, here!) is sneakier? ■ What does the name Jacob mean in Hebrew? ■ Who were the Edomites? ■ All this and more in Sinners’ Sunday # 62