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Battling group think • What is buck lure and how can it win the war on men? • Fighting morons in the street, at home and at work • What’s the most dangerous animal in the nation? • Other names morons call themselves • People who should be eaten by predators • People who should be fed to wood chippers • Moron count: Toronto vs. Los Angeles • All this and more in the all-moron episode!
We’re surrounded by morons. How did this happen? Was it something in the water? Sunspots? Cosmic spores from outer space? Probably not. Commie plot is my best guess. Remember Lenin’s line about “useful idiots?” Those useful idiots add up quick and now there are armies of them like insects, whose sole purpose in life is to follow somebody – ANYBODY – and then make (or at least carry) crappy placards, banners and posters and march in parades and protests and sit cross-legged and get outraged and chant stupid shit. Usually stupid shit chants begin with WHAT DO WE WANT or 2,4,6,8!
BUT, morons are still morons, so they need a little help, even with stupid shit chants. There’s actually a blog/website (I won’t link to it – you’ll have to it in your own.) What’s duckduckgo? It’s a way better search engine than soyboi/sjw Commie run Google. It does not track you or archive your searches or sell your data. So let’s start a chant… hey-ho yay-yo …for-get Google and duck duck go!) Catchy, right?
As I was saying, some yutz has a blog with hundreds of chants for every occasion, and nearly all of them are Commie causes. And in his blurry brain, he accepts advertising on his blog, flouting those Commie precepts. But hypocrisy is a moron trait just like chanting.
So this episode has a cold-open with some morons in Toronto protesting in front of some guy’s restaurant because he serves meat. And they think that’s b-a-a-a-d. In admirable Take No Shit retaliation, he carves up a deer leg in his front window, just to fritz out their brain circuits. And it works pretty well. Because as much as morons like to chant about “change” they tend not to handle it very well. When others do not react as they demand (another big moron word – they’re always demanding stuff) or expect, they flip out. And it’s always funny to watch.
Here’s a link to the Toronto carnivore protest I parse in this episode. (Just so you know I’m not making anything up.)
In this episode, we look at three venues where morons operate – in-person protest morons, social media morons and workplace morons. What’s the common thread? Hive mentality. Group think. They want, no DEMAND that everyone be exactly like they are. THEY are vegan, so YOU must be vegan. THEY love and protect predator coyotes. YOU must love and protect predator coyotes. THEY use Internet Explorer, so YOU must use Internet Xxplorer. And after they scream and demand and chant that we all eat the same and vote the same and think the same and chant the same… they celebrate diversity.
How do we stop morons? With truth and brutal ridicule. Gloves-off, cut-to-the-bone mocking. That’s how morons were kept in their place for millennia.
Want to save the world? Mock a moron – into tears, an aneurysm or spontaneous combustion – TODAY.
Click this link and get one of the greatest moron-mocking books ever written – RECYCLE THIS!

It so brutally mocks enviro-frauds and their moron minions, the publisher deemed it TOO HOT TO PUBLISH and killed it. But, like my co-author, nuke-powered dead-man Johnny Glo-Skull – the book is immortal and CANNOT DIE.
Along with the book, you’ll get access to fantastic bonus episodes and eligibility to have your Take No Shit challenge addressed by me or one of my many senseis here at the Take No Shit Dojo.
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See you this weekend for Sinners’ Sunday – the new kick-ass spin-off show.
Take No Shit!