Episode 135: Devil Winds


What are L.A.’s Devil Winds? ♠ Malibu – you can swim, you can surf, you can DIE! ♠ Ways to die in the desert ♠ Vegas – a portal of hell? ♠ Why everyone in LA is bat-shit crazy ♠ Why the City of Los Angeles is one big junkie ♠ When Larry’s house almost burned down ♠ Why Phillip Marlowe kicks Sam Spade’s punk, Commie ass ♠ All this and more in this burning episode!

The term Devil Wind sounds implausible. But if you were downwind of Chernobyl in 1986, that phrase would have been accurate.

So every fall, right around now, these crazy high winds come shrieking in from the desert carrying a (sometimes) deadly pathogen. The layman’s term for the ailment is Valley Fever. And when it strikes, weird shit happens. People get sick and do sick things. Sinus headaches, scratchy throats as well as more stabbing, more bludgeoning, more mayhem.

Then, some chooch drops a cigarette and winds become fire storms that destroy everything in their path. Biblical, man.

Here’s a pic I took from a firestorm a few years back.

You can see the column of fire on the right. Those are big mountains, so that lick of fire was probably well over 100 feet high.


Here’s what it looks like during the day.

Wonder why these staples of LA living are never mentioned in the tourist and econ development brochures?

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