Episode 195: Larry’s Mind-Control Madness


How Larry was mind-controlled – multiple times! ◘ Turn on, tune in, drop out ◘ Operation Midnight Climax – Govt. sponsored sex, drugs and suicide ◘ Did Bill Cosby learn his doping techniques from the CIA? ◘ The CIA’s dancing dogs ◘ What do Jack Ruby and the Las Vegas shooter have in common? ◘ The Sheriff who became an FBI zombie ◘ All this and more in this drug-soaked, mind-bending episode!




There more there is, the shittier life becomes.

Government is mob rule, folks. Now more than ever, when one in four jobs is gubmnt or gubmnt-related. That’s the ultimate mob.

What happens when a bunch of clowns with guaranteed jobs and immunity from lawsuit or prosecution and zero oversight by anyone get together and start to dream up things to do?

MK Ultra. Or as it should be more accurately called – Bill Cosby On Steroids.

MK Ultra was the CIA’s mind control initiative from the 1950’s. And the best way they could figure to control somebody’s mind was to dose them heavily with LSD and then just sit back and observe / laugh. If the people they dosed had agreed and consented, that would be one thing. But scads of them were dosed without their knowledge or consent. Many of them freaked out – one jumped out a window and got dead. Not one of those CIA guys was held accountable in any way. Not even put in the corner for an hour to think about his misdeeds. Which begs the question, why is Bill Cosby doing time? Maybe his lawyers never thought of the MK Ultra defense. Or maybe Cosby, depsite his enormous wealth, is not part of the biggest protected class of all, gubmnt.

So imaginative (and horny) were these gubmnt employees, they cooked up a project called Operation Midnight Climax. They paid hookers to dose johns with acid and then watched the action through a two -way mirror. One wonders how they detailed this in their expense reports. Besides the $$ for the whores and 2-way mirrors and meals and taxis and folding chairs, did our tax dollars pay for the Kleenex they splooged into as they watched and jacked themselves off?


The whole mind control thing is fascinating. Some say Lee Harvey Oswald was a mind-controlled drone. Could be. Lee said he was a “patsy.” Ask any homicide detective how many times he’s heard a murder suspect call himself a “patsy.” Answer: never. It’s just not something someone would say when denying a killing. Maybe “you got the wrong guy,” or “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” but… “I’m just a patsy?” That’s fresh… and worth further investigation.

Here’s Lee claiming he’s a patsy.

Here’s Lee being gut-shot by Jack Ruby.

Stephen Paddock, who killed over 58 and wounded 422 in Las Vegas, might have been some kind of mind controlled zombie. Nothing about that atrocity added up. Nothing. The details could fill volumes, so instead, just watch some of this video of the Sheriff (badge and uniform) and his FBI handler – the guy standing to the Sheriff’s left – the guy boring holes into the Sheriff’s skull with his eyes. That video does not reveal Paddock’s motive. But it declares one thing as certain as the day is long: there was gubmnt fuckery afoot.

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