Episode 201: Larry Storms Area 51


Why is storming Area 51 so damn appealing? ▲ Will Larry be there? ▲ How is it the antidote to our reality? ▲ What’s really at Area 51 – national secrets or a big head-fake? ▲ Searching for something bigger than ourselves ▲ What was Hands Across America? ▲ Larry tells a listener how to slay his dragons of anxiety


Regular listeners know I’m a freak for the desert. Before I became a desert rat, I was a water rat – lived right on the beach for years. And I do love the ocean. But as a backdrop for bizarre shit, the desert reigns supreme. Maybe that’s because while the ocean represents life, the desert is death. If you could desalinate the water, you could live on the ocean indefinitely. You’re literally floating on food. Not so in the desert. There, if you don’t pack enough going in, you’re not coming out.

I’m loving this Area 51 thing. It fires on all cylinders – let’s fuck with the government, let’s play war, lets do sneaky shit, let’s uncover the truth, let’s find aliens, let’s haul ass like Mad Max through the desert night – all of which fit nicely under the banner ADVENTURE FOR MEN.

Of course it started as a goof. So do some businesses, romances, you name it. Somebody says, “hey, wouldn’t it be a pisser if we jumped in the car and drove to (insert location) and when we got there, we (insert verb) and (insert verb) And the gang screams FUCK YEAH! That’s the genesis of many adventures.

What’s also uber appealing about the Area 51 raid is its just for the fuck of it factor. No fake do-gooder bullshit. Nobody’s donating money for Martians counted or gubmnt officials pissed off. No enviro hook. Nobody is going to be lifted out of poverty or addiction or cured or healed. And that may be it’s most attractive attribute.

Are you sick of everything in life having cause attached to it?. The Area 51 siege is like panty raids or swallowing goldfish or eating hot dogs seeing how many guys could pack into a VW bug. No purpose whatsoever other than the delight and amusement of the participants.

Just. For. The. Fuck. Of. It.  

Maybe I should start a movement; The J.F.T.F.O.I. club. Open admissions, but the first member who suggests a GoFundMe or cleaning up any mess we make or “in memory of…” is not only 86’d from the club, they shall be strapped to a rocket and fired at the sun. Join at your own risk.

In this episode, I review a virtue signaling event from 1986. This was the poster / logo. If you find it remotely appealing, you’re on the wrong show page.

Hands Across America was a colossal dud. People got amped up months in advance and when it finally happened, nothing happened. They raised a whopping $15 million to “fight poverty.” Bezos drops more than that on weekly alimony. Even back in ‘86, $15 mil was a pitiful take.

Will I take part in the Storming of Area 51? Only if a group of listeners will join me. I’m not going solo and currently, I have no (local) friends with the J.F.T.F.O.I. mindset.

We have 3 weeks to prepare.

You know where to find me.

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