Episode 210: Horses On Planes. Where Will It End?


Flirty the horsey’s special plane ride ♦ What creatures will be next be claimed as ‘Emotional Support Animals?’ Giraffes? Tigers? Hippos? ♦ Larry’s Emotional Support Animal and why he will NEVER take it on a plane ♦ The “weapon” theTSA found in Larry’s pocket ♦ Why air travel is hell, all airlines suck and we’re all screwed ♦ Who’s to blame? ♦ Every OTHER business calls you this word, why won’t airlines? ♦ The most dangerous word in the English language ♦ All this and more, in this very un-PC episode.


Air travel has become torture. No leg room, no ass room, the cabins are dirty, the bathrooms reek, and the fetid air is thick with acrimony and suppressed rage. And now, you must share that hideous space with a goddamn horse. If you complain, you are a narrow-minded horse-o-phobe.

Sure, I photoshopped the episode thumbnail.

But not this picture!

Or this one

“Sorry, Ma’am. Hay bales are not available as ‘special meals.’ “


Everything I have to say about this insanity is within this episode.

Listen for yourself.

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