Episode 245: How to Thrive in the Vortex of Doom


What time is displayed on the Doomsday Clock? Discover the FUN method of execution everyone’s talking about, ‘Blown From A Gun!’ How to stop worrying and start loving the Corona virus What is the Vortex of Doom and how can you profit from it? An eyewitness account of a “Blown From A Gun” execution Why Daffy Duck and Road Runner kicked Mickey & Minnie’s asses Calm your fears and laugh at danger, in this devil-may-care episode!


Poet Robbie Burns first mentioned man’s inhumanity to man. And no matter how fucking civilized we may think we are, that bloodthirsty savage isn’t too far from the surface.

Witness this:

He looks serene for a man about out o be blown up.

Above is some dude, probably guilty of no more than fighting for the wrong side, about to be disintegrated in a most graphic, efficient and intimidating fashion. It was called “blown by a gun,” and it was all the rage in colonial India. The Brits did not invent it, but they embraced it with both arms and a ramrod. Being the masters of PR they have been for centuries, here’s the sanitized rendering by the Crown:

Doesn’t look too nasty at all, does it.

Never a nation to let a crisis go to waste, the UK blamed the Irish potato famine in full for a million Micks dead by starvation. In fact, most died because the genteel Brits blockaded their ports. The victors do write (and paint) history.

By the way, I can say Mick, because despite my Teutonic surname, I am a Mick – about 95%, so if anyone finds my use of Mick offensive, they can pogue mahone.

This Corona virus thing is being used much like the potato famine. I’m not big on conspiracy theories, but the media is, without question – spreading panic to crash the U.S. (i.e. the world’s) economy, which will make Commie lies and politicians attractive to mouth-breathing fools who think the gulag is a dance craze.

But even in the worst of times, some people manage to live well, even large, so why not you?

The stock market may plunge, but, contrary to the desires of Commie scum (and they’re ALL scum) it will not evaporate. Many of the richest assholes on earth ARE Commies – Soros and Putin to name two. Although Putin is really up the in the stratosphere with a net worth in the $60 billion range. He must have swung that hammer and sickle really hard.

So if you have any spare jing, buy stocks. It’s pretty much a no-brainer.

Here’s the guy who inspired the title of this episode, with the term doom vortex. His white board is a little confusing. But what matters is, he’s having fun, even in the doom vortex.

Hope you do, too.


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