Episode 397: How To Spot Commies


How you can ID Commies better than AI does ■ Larry’s epiphany about female deception ■ The two biggest American Commies (guess!) ■ Why Commies are ugly creeps and hate attractive people ■ 5-point Commie spotting checklist you need to know


You know that silly game – “if you could go back in time and kill/fuck/save anyone, who would they be?”

The kill part is a cinch. Marx/Lenin/Stalin.

The next selection is more difficult. Sophia Loren/Ava Gardner/Lauren Bacall – each in her prime.

Who to save? Probably Elvis. Although it seems everybody tried to save him. And failed.

Back to part one. Though Marx never killed anyone, his fucked up ideas have proved more lethal than anything but smallpox. He was an evil, arrogant, lazy pile of shit. He needed killin’. Big time.

Lenin and Stalin are another matter. Stalin was a low-rent criminal who managed to ratchet himself into a global “leader.” Was he a true believer in Commie canon? Maybe. Or maybe he just liked wealth, power and having people killed. On the murder and suffering scale, with an estimated 40 million deaths under his belt, he absolutely DWARFS Hitler. Only Mao was more lethal, with 60 million estimated kills. (Speaking of dwarfs, both Lenin and Stalin, at 5’4″, were table-top despots.)

After dispatching Marx, I’d have a special protocol for Lenin. Why? I hate his fuckin’ face. It’s shaped like a Dorito, with that little pinpoint chin, doubtless recessive, ergo the goatee camouflage. More than that, unlike Stalin, Lenin was born upper middle class. He stated he was literally “in love” with Marx and Engels. He married this unpleasant, angry grimbo. They had no kids. Thank God.

Mrs. Lenin. “Sex? NYET!!!.” The only party she liked was the Commie party.

Typical Commie shit bag, he believed in equality, except for himself.

This was one of his mansions.

One of Lenin’s mansions. Because some are more equal than others.

Marx and Stalin I would dispatch with alacrity. A bullet to the head or mighty machete hack at the throat. But Lenin rates some extra special protocol. Strap him to a chair. Fit a Vita-mix blender over his head. Sharpen his skull to the shape of a cone (while somehow keeping him alive) then fold him over and pound his pointy head up his own ass with a carnival mallet. As he’s suffocating on the floor, in the darkness of his own bloody colon,  play The Star Spangled Banner as the Rockettes do a circular kick line around his writhing body.

When he stops moving, or maybe while he still is, soak him in nitromethane fuel and light him up. Same as he did to this family, the Romanovs.

Lenin had the Romanovs killed. Because they are good looking, and he was a pig-eyed uggo.

Nice looking people, right?

Lenin ordered their execution – you’ve doubtless heard the details in this episode.

This is the room where they were shot and stabbed by 11 Commie shit-bags. The slaughter took 20 minutes. They very nearly shot out the wall.

Room where the Romanov family was slaughtered by Commie shit-bags.

He hated them for their titles, but I GUARANTEE he hated them more for the way they looked and what they were – happy, normal, God-fearing people. Lenin was a twisted, angry and most of all, ENVIOUS pile of shit.

The Romanovs were beautiful. Lenin was a gargoyle. His “wife” is a hemorrhoid in a dress. They had cats.

Churchill called Socialism “the gospel of envy.”

There are no mysteries.

For more images of ugly Commies, (Biopolitics) and info on how to spot them, click here:


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