Episode 403: This American Circus


The school assault video that diagnoses America’s sickness ■ Are you Chief Happiness Officer material? ■ The Commie Cycle of Conquest – why you need to know itSensitivity Readers – how to destroy them ■ Why they are out to get 007 ■ Mantra for Commie fighting ■ Job posters you’ll hate


When I was in grammar school, there were two ways kids brought shame and dishonor on the family name. The most common was being such a laggard or pin-head, you failed to move on to the next year and had to repeat a grade. Yes, the school actually did that. In 8th grade there was a guy who had a five O’clock shadow by noon. He looked to be about 35. Nobody knew how many times he had been “left back.”

That was the big threat. If you fucked up – fucked up bad – you got left back. Which certainly would have been a thumb in the eye to the GW Bush educational mantra, and congressional act, “no child left behind.” In my school, they left you behind until you were no longer a child.

The other, nuclear option of shame and dishonor was expulsion. This was much more uncommon.

I recall one kid who was expelled because was charged with attempted rape at knife point. He was 12.

The other incident involved a 7th grader. It was snowing that day. And this kid used the snow on the roof of a teacher’s car as a canvas, on which he wrote, with his finger. ” Mr. Jones is a cocksucker.”

The moment it was verified that he was the culprit, he was expelled.

Contrast that with the video below.


After the beating that hulk gave to that woman, he walked away not handcuffed, was charged with aggravated battery – not attempted murder!?!?!? And he was facing only the “possibility” of expulsion.

America, you are fucked.

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