Episode 71: Was Jesus a Party Animal?


.Was Jesus a party animal? • Who were the Sons of Thunder? • Snarky nicknames JC had for his pals • How did JC’s first miracle involve alcohol? • How was JC manipulated by a woman? • Does abstinence make you a better person? • Why JC would have hung out at Sinners’ Sunday • All this and more!

Hey kids, here we are, all dressed up with someplace to go! This is episode 4 of the only show of its kind in the world. And it’s growing every week. The BBQ is hot, the beer is cold, the chix are pointy and I’m on FIRE! The spirit of truth burns in my guts like a shot o’ napalm and I’m bringing it to you raw and unvarnished.

Was Jesus a party animal? Sure looks that way. Also looks like he wasn’t the concave-chested, no-fun killjoy all the phony, mega-buck “God providers” have made him out to be.

In last week’s show, we figured out that if triggered, JC would get plenty pissed off and roar curse words like any red-blooded mensch from the first century, A.D (BTW, we never use that CE thing – that’s Commie shit – pinheads who do can shove that up their flabby, deceitful asses.)

And so we wondered, did people curse any differently 2,000 years ago? No. Listener Andrew Hann did some research and discovered a treasure trove of graffiti transcribed from tavern walls in Pompeii thousands of years ago. Here are a couple of links.

FILTHY GRAFFITI from the Ancients #1


Ever notice how nitwits, jack-holes and Commies are real big on the “evolved man…” that people are somehow different now than they were millennia ago? That’s bullshit. People are the same as they ever were – only the clothing and devices have changed. Read the Pompeii graffiti and you’ll agree. (I love shooting holes in Commie tenets. Its soooo easy!)

In this episode we discover that JC was a smart aleck who liked to lay snarky nicknames on his besties. They’re pretty damn funny. But did they have a nickname for JC? Savior? Redeemer? Tender Shepherd? Wrong, wrong and wrong.

Come back next week and I’ll tell you the REAL nickname for JC.

In the meantime have another beer and sit back and listen. Then pop over to Patreon and support this holy mission.

The show isn’t going to promote itself. If you dig, it, please send a link to all your friends so we can cover the world.

Got questions / comments / death threats? Lay ‘em on me, at thatlarryshow@gmail.com

I’ll see you Tuesday for the regular edition of That LARRY SHOW.

Peace, love and togetherness.